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Healing and Reconciliation


The elections are over. The harshness, vulgarity and brutality of the words and of the images of
this election campaign have made some people feel that it is OK to be bigoted, gay bashers,
Muslim bashers, immigrant bashers, liberal bashers, conservative bashers, to insult the poor, the
unemployed, the uneducated, and those who feel left out. As Christians, it is never acceptable to
do that. I am asking you to put the past behind us and come together as followers of Jesus .
I have no illusion that today's service will make negative feelings go away. But it is my duty to preach the
Gospel and to remind everyone that we need to start the healing process and to keep working at it.

1. The reading from Jeremiah was directed to Jews who had been defeated and exiled to Babylon.
They were confused, bitter and angry, wondering how God could have allowed that.
The prophet urged them to go on with their lives, and also to seek the welfare of Babylon, the country that had
defeated and exiled them.
We have all lived under Republican and Democratic administrations, we have lived through wars and through
peace. The message from Jeremiah is that we should live our life to the fullest, get involved in improving the
conditions of the places where you live, and leave the rest up to God.

2. Paul wrote his letter to the Ephesians while he was in prison. He was concerned about divisions
within the church of Ephesus
Paul reminded then that followers of Christ are called to live a worthy life: be humble, gentle, patient and
maintain unity in spite of differences.
The same message is relevant for us: be kind, gentle and patient and maintain unity in Christ

3. The Gospel of John was written while Christians were being persecuted by the Romans and being
rejected by the Jews.
John told them that they would be successful if they stayed united just as Jesus and the father are united
We can only witness the love of God to the world, and to survive as a church, if we need to stay united.

4. Finally Psalm 46 is a reminder that God is our refuge and our strength. The world was in an
uproar back then as it is now, but the Psalm reminds us, Be still and know that I am God.
Let us pray for unity, and roll up your sleeves and work for unity. Let us go on with our lives, united in prayer
and in works of charity, remember that God is all powerful. Entrust your lives to God.

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