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Vaginal Septum

Vaginal Septum
Congenital abnormality
A piece of flesh exists inthe vaginal either
longways (longitudinal) or sideways
Can causevaginal blockages,painful sex,
impossible tampon use, and difficulties
during labour

Transverse vaginal septum

Occur to one in 3,000-80,000 women
Rarest urogenital tract congenital abnormality

The cause of this genetic abnormality is unknown
A transverse vaginal septum forms during
embryological development when the tubes that
eventually become a vagina don't fuse together

Vertical fusional defect.
failure in reabsorption of the tissue
between the vaginal plate and the caudal
aspect of the fused Mullerian ducts.
A transverse vaginal septum can be either
perforate (incomplete) or imperforate (complete)

As a newborn:unusual abdominal swelling
periods thatlast beyond the normalfour to
seven day cycle
abdominal pain from blood collecting in the
upper vagina

Diagnosis & Treatment

Antenatal: in utero when there is obstruction causing significant
amount ofhydrocolpos(distension of the vagina)

Treatment by surgical excision of the obstructed septum

through a perineal approach

Longitudinal vaginal septum

Also known as double vagina
A septum formed longitudinally along vaginal line

No cause is yet confirmed
Linked to autosomal recessive transmission

A vertical fusion disorder between the Mllerian
ducts and the urogenital sinus
Starting from third month during intrauterine
development, the vaginal canals dont fuse like
theyre supposed to, which results in a vaginal
septum which divides vagina into two parallel

Can be asymptomatic
Painful sexual intercourse
Cyclic pelvic pain, hematocolpos
(accumulation of blood)

Diagnosis & Treatment


Surgical, called hysteroscopic resection

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