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Moses and Al-Khadir

Rai Aun Iqbal

How did Moses meet Al-Khadir?

Moses was asked who the learned man in the land was, and
Moses replied that he himself was.
Allah told Moses that there was a more learned man in the
land, and he could meet him where the two seas met.

When Moses Met Al-Khadir

Moses met Al-Khadir exactly where Allah said he would be.
Moses requested Al-Khadir to let him travel with Al-Khadir, so
he could learn some of Al-Khadir extensive knowledge.
Al-Khadir said told Moses that Moses did not have the
patience to stay with Al Khadir, but eventually agreed to let
Moses travel with him.

The Three Incidents

Al Khadir and Moses needed a ship to travel in, and a ship
owned by poor people let them travel for free because they
knew of Al Khadir.
When they got to their destination Al Khadir made holes in the
ship and damaged it.
Moses was shocked and questioned Al Khadir, and Al-Khadir
reminded him that he needed patience.

The Three Incidents

When they arrived at their destination they saw some young
kids playing.
Al-Khadir went and plunked out one of the childrens heads,
and Moses was again shocked and question Al-Khadir.
Al-Khadir told Moses he had to patient if he wanted to travel
with him, and Moses apologized.

The Three Incidents

Eventually they got to a settlement, in which the people did
not let Moses and Al-Khadir take shelter.
At the end of the settlement there was a wall breaking down,
and Al Khadir went and fixed it.
Moses questioned Al-Khadir, and Al-Khadir said Moses did
not have the patience to travel with him. Then he gave Moses
the reason for each of his actions.

Al-Khadir first made holes in the ship because a King was
gathering ships for his army. He would now not take theirs as
it was damaged.
He killed the child as he would become a cruel and evil man
when he grew up.
Al-Khadir rebuilt the wall because underneath the inheritance
of two orphans was buried, and the settlers would steal it if
they found it.

Moses and Al-Khadir

When Moses heard these reason he apologized to Al-Khadir,
and praised him for being very wise and knowledgeable.
Moses and Al-Khadir then parted ways.

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