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Yudhi Kurniawan


User Defined Functions


A view is a virtual table that consists of

columns from one or more tables
Implements a security mechanism

Complex queries can be stored in the

form as a view, and data from the
view can be extracted
using simple queries

T-SQL View
CREATE VIEW [owner.]view_name
[(column_name [, column_name]...)]
AS select_statement [WITH CHECK OPTION]

SQL Server stores information on the view in the following

system tables:
o SYSOBJECTS stores the name of the view.
o SYSCOLUMNS stores the names of the columns
defined in the view.
o SYSDEPENDS stores information on the view
o SYSCOMMENTS stores the text of the view definition.
o Views can have up to 1024 columns.
o WITH ENCRYPTION encrypts the text for the view in the

The restrictions imposed on views are as

A view can be created only in the current
The name of a view must not be the same as that
of the base table they must follow the rules for
A view can be created only if there is a SELECT
permission on its base table.
A SELECT INTO statement cannot be used in view
declaration statement.
The CREATE VIEW statement cannot be combined
with other SQL statements in a single batch.

SCHEMABINDING Binds views to underlying

The view may have to be modified or dropped to
remove dependency on table

If a view is not created with schemabinding

clause sp_refreshview should be run when
underlying table changes.

WITH CHECK OPTION is an optional clause on the

CREATE VIEW statement that specifies the level of
checking to be done when inserting or updating data
through a view. If the option is specified, every row
that is inserted or updated through the view must
conform to the definition of that view

Alter Views

Drop Views

When a view is dropped, it has no effect on the underlying tables.

Dropping a view removes its definition and all the permissions
assigned to it.
However, dropping a table that references a view does not drop the
view automatically. You must drop it explicitly.

Rename View

You can rename a view without having to drop it.

This ensures that the permissions on the view are
not lost

Modifying Data using


A view may be derived from multiple underlying tables

A single data modification statement that affected both the
underlying tables is not permitted.
You cannot modify the following of Columns using a view:
Columns that are based on computed values. E.g. sum,
Columns that are based on row aggregate functions. E.g.
group by, having
Columns based on built-in functions like numeric, string

Optimizing performance using Views

Indexed Views

You can significantly improve performance by creating a unique clustered

index on a view that involves complex processing of large quantities of data,
such as aggregating or joining many rows
Aggregations can be precompiled and stored in the index to minimize
expensive computations during query execution
Unique clustered index is created on the view, the view's result set is
materialized immediately and persisted in physical storage in the database,
saving the overhead of performing this costly operation at execution time.

When to Use Indexed Views

Because indexed views are more complex to maintain than indexes on base
tables, you should use them only when the improved speed in retrieving the
results outweighs the increased overhead of data modifications.

Indexing views is not a good idea in a high-volume OLTP system.

Indexed views work best when the data is relatively static, and you need to
process many rows or the view will be referenced by many queries.

Indexed Views in SQL Server


SQL Server 2005 contains many improvements for indexed

views compared with SQL Server 2000.
Scalar aggregates, including SUM and COUNT_BIG
without GROUP BY.
Scalar expressions and user-defined functions (UDFs)
Common Language Runtime (CLR) types.
User-defined types (UDTs)
UDFs based on the CLR

Database Tuning Advisor - recommends indexed views in

addition to recommending indexes on base tables, and
table and index partitioning strategies

Requirements for Indexed Views

Set the ANSI_NULLS option to ON when you create the tables referenced by the
Set the ANSI_NULLS and QUOTED_IDENTIFIER options to ON prior to creating the

The view must only reference base tables, not any other views
Base tables referenced by the view must be in the same database as the view and
must have the same owner
Create the view and any user-defined functions referenced in the view with the
SCHEMABINDING option. This means that the underlying tables or other database
objects cannot be altered or dropped as long as the view or function exists.
Reference all table names and user-defined functions with two-part names onlyfor
example, "dbo.Customers" for the Customers table.
Any functions used by the view must be deterministic, meaning that the function
must always return the same result anytime it's called with the same set of input
A unique clustered index must be created before any other indexes can be created
on the view.
Additional disk space will be required to hold the data defined by the indexed view.

The following Transact-SQL syntax elements are illegal

in an indexed view

The * syntax to specify all columns. Column names must be explicitly

Repeated columnsfor example, SELECT Col1, Col2, Col1 AS Col. However,
you can re-use a column if it's part of a different expressionfor example,
SELECT Col1, AVG(Col1), Col1 + Col2 AS Total
Derived tables and sub queries
COUNT(*). USE COUNT_BIG(*) INSTEAD, which returns a big int data type is
The following aggregate functions: AVG, MAX, MIN, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR.
The definition of indexed view must be deterministic

CREATE TABLE T(a int, b real, c as getdate(), d as a+b)

SELECT object_id('VT'), COLUMNPROPERTY(object_id('VT'),'d','IsPrecise')


TSQL Stored Procedures

Precompiled execution. SQL Server compiles each stored

procedure once and then reutilizes the execution plan. This
results in tremendous performance boosts when stored
procedures are called repeatedly.
Reduced client/server traffic. Stored procedures can reduce
long SQL queries to a single line that is transmitted over the
wire hence reduce client server traffic.
Efficient reuse of code and programming abstraction.
Enhanced security controls. You can grant users permission
to execute a stored procedure.

Create / Alter Syntax

Rename Stored Procedure

Drop Procedure

Execute Stored Procedure

EXECUTE procedure_name

Parameterized Procedures

Error Handling in Stored Procedure


This function is used to implement error handling

code. It contains the error ID produced by the last SQL statement
executed during a clients connection. When a statement executes
successfully, @@ERROR contains 0. To determine if a statement
executes successfully, an IF statement is used to check the value
of the function immediately after the target statement executes. It
is imperative that @@ERROR be checked immediately after the
target statement, because its value is reset when the next
statement executes successfully

RAISERROR- The RAISERROR statement is used to produce an ad

hoc error message or to retrieve a custom message that is stored
in the sysmessages table.

Try..Catch Block
Implements error handling for Transact-SQL that is similar to the exception
handling in the programming languages. A group of Transact-SQL statements
can be enclosed in a TRY block. If an error occurs in the TRY block, control is
passed to another group of statements that is enclosed in a CATCH block.

TRYCATCH constructs can be nested. Either a TRY block or a CATCH block can
contain nested TRYCATCH constructs.

A TRY block must be immediately followed by an associated CATCH block.

Including any other statements between the END TRY and BEGIN CATCH
statements generates a syntax error.

A TRYCATCH construct cannot span multiple blocks of Transact-SQL

statements. For example, a TRYCATCH construct cannot span two BEGIN
END blocks of Transact-SQL statements

In the scope of a CATCH block, the following system functions can be used
to obtain information about the error that caused the CATCH block to be
ERROR_NUMBER() returns the number of the error.

ERROR_SEVERITY() returns the severity.

ERROR_STATE() returns the error state number.

ERROR_PROCEDURE() returns the name of the stored procedure or

trigger where the error occurred.

ERROR_LINE() returns the line number inside the routine that caused
the error.

ERROR_MESSAGE() returns the complete text of the error message.

The text includes the values supplied for any substitutable
parameters, such as lengths, object names, or times.

User defined functions (UDF)

Acts like a function in programming language. Can be

parameterized and called any number of times.
Faster execution, Reduces network traffic.
The ability for a function to act like a table (for Inline
table and Multi-statement table functions) gives
developers the ability to break out complex logic into
shorter and shorter code blocks.

Three types of UDFs

Scalar UDFs
Inline Table valued UDFs
Multi-statement table valued UDFs

Scalar UDFs

UDF returns a scalar data type. Text,

ntext, image, timestamp are not

Inline Table Valued UDFs

An Inline Table-Value user-defined function returns a table data type. Its an
alternative to a view as the user-defined function can pass parameters
into a T-SQL select command and in essence provide us with a
parameterized, non-updateable view of the underlying tables

Multi-Statement Table valued UDFs

A Multi-Statement Table-Value user-defined function

returns a table and is also an exceptional alternative to a
The ability to pass parameters into a T-SQL select
command or a group of them gives us the capability to
create a parameterized, non-updateable view of the data
in the underlying tables.
Within the create function command you must define the
table structure that is being returned.
After creating this type of user-defined function, you can
use it in the FROM clause of a T-SQL command unlike the
behaviour found when using a stored procedure which
can also return record sets.

Limitations of UDFs

UDF Prohibit Usage of Non-Deterministic Built-in Functions.

However it is allowed in SQL Server 2008.
UDF cannot Call Stored Procedure
UDF have only access to Extended Stored Procedure.
UDFs cannot make use of dynamic SQL or temporary tables
within the code. Table variables are allowed though.
UDF can not Return XML.
UDF does not support SET options.
UDF does not Support Error Handling
TRY/CATCH,RAISEERROR or @@ERROR are not allowed
in UDFs.
UDF is allowed to modify the physical state of a database
using INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements.
UDF can be called through a SQL statement without using
the EXECUTE statement.
A UDF (any of the three variations - scalar, inline or multistatement) cannot be used to return multiple result sets.

Triggers in SQL 2005

A trigger is a database object that is attached to a table.

The main difference between a trigger and a stored
procedure is that the former is attached to a table and is
only fired when an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE occurs
Guards against malicious inserts and updates.
Three types of Triggers in SQL 2005
Instead of Triggers
After Triggers
Data Definition Language Triggers
DML triggers use the deleted and inserted logical
(conceptual) tables.
Triggers can allow cross table references, however check
constraints allow column level constraints.

SQL Server 2000 provides four different ways to

determine the affects of the DML statements.


DELETED tables, popularly known as MAGIC TABLES
update ()

Magic Table does not contain the information

about the columns of the data-type text, ntext,
or image. Attempting to access these columns
will cause an error.

update() function is used to find whether a

particular column has been updated or not. This
function is generally used for data checks.
Returns a Boolean value.

Columns_Update() function returns a varbinary data type representation of the

columns updated. This function return a hexadecimal values from which we
can determine which columns in the table have been updated.

COLUMNS_UPDATED tests for UPDATE or INSERT actions performed on

multiple columns To test for UPDATE or INSERT attempts on one column,
use UPDATE().

AFTER Triggers

Triggers that run after an update, insert, or delete can be

used in several ways:
Triggers can update, insert, or delete data in the same
or other tables. This is useful to maintain relationships
between data or to keep audit trail information.
Triggers can check data against values of data in the
rest of the table or in other tables.
Triggers can use user-defined functions to activate
non-database operations. This is useful, for example,
for issuing alerts or updating information outside the
Can be specified only on tables not on views.
AFTER trigger is a trigger that gets executed automatically
before the transaction is committed or rolled back.
settriggerorder priority can set for AFTER triggers .

A table can have several AFTER triggers for each of

the three triggering actions i.e., INSERT, DELETE and
If a table has multiple AFTER triggers, then you can
specify which trigger should be executed first and
which trigger should be executed last using the
stored procedure sp_settriggerorder

Like stored procedures and views, triggers can also be

encrypted. The trigger definition is then stored in an
unreadable form. Once encrypted, the definition of
the trigger cannot be decrypted and cannot be
viewed by anyone, including the owner of the trigger
or the system administrator.

INSTEAD OF triggers facilitates updating Views.

A view or table can have only one INSTEAD OF trigger for each INSERT,
UPDATE and DELETE events

DDL Triggers in 2005

DDL triggers are fired on DDL events like

Create, Alter, Drop.

schema_name cannot be specified for DDL or logon triggers.

Indicates that all triggers defined at the scope of the ON
clause are disabled
For a DDL trigger, indicates that trigger_name was created
or modified to execute with database scope
For a DDL trigger, indicates that trigger_name was created
or modified to execute with server scope.

Why Triggers?

If the database is de-normalized and requires an

automated way to update redundant data contained in
multiple tables
If customized messages and complex error handling
are required
If a value in one table must be validated against a
non-identical value in another table.
Triggers are a powerful tool that can be used to
enforce the business rules automatically when the
data is modified. Triggers can also be used to maintain
the data integrity. But they are not to maintain data
integrity. Triggers should be used to maintain the data
integrity only if you are unable to enforce the data
integrity using CONSTRAINTS, RULES and DEFAULTS.
Triggers cannot be created on the temporary tables.

More on Triggers


Like stored procedures triggers can also
be encrypted.
Triggers can be nested up to 32 levels.


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