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세계를 정복하려거든 지도를 사라 :

포스트모던 시대의 기독교 세계관

양희송 ( 청어람아카데미 기획자 )
세계관 (worldview)
세계관의 개념
- 세상 (world) 을 보는 관점 (view point)
- “Weltanschauung”: Kant, Dilthey, etc.

세계를 본다 ?
- 왜 세계청 ( 世界廳 ), 세계미 ( 世界味 ) 는 아닌가 ?
1) 오감 ( 五感 ) 과 시각 ( 視覺 ) 우선성
2) 숨겨진 시점 (a hidden perspective) 의 문제

세계관은 다원적 (pluralistic) 이다

지역 , 문화 , 시대 , 계층에 따라 다르다
Cave painting at Lascaux, France
Pietro Perugino’s perspective painting (fresco) at Sistine Chapel(1481-82)
Andrea Pozzo dome-like painting at Ch of St Ignazio Rome
Self-Portrait in a Straw Hat by Marie Louise Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, after 1782.
Pablo Picasso, Dora Maar au Chat, 1941
세계관 (worldview) 과 숨겨진 시점
시점의 역사
- 원시 동굴 벽화에는 원근법이 없다
- 르네상스에 시작 : 공기원근법 , 기하학적 원근법
- 시점의 독재 : 오직 작가 (author) 의 시점만이 유일하고 ,
객관적이고 , 권위 있는 것인가 ?
- 시점의 민주화 , 다원화 : 입체파의 문제제기 . 피카소의 위대성 ?
- 3 차원을 2 차원으로 옮기는 순간 하나의 차원이 사라지기 때문에
왜곡은 필연적이다 . 그런데 , 왜 어떤 왜곡은 정당하고 , 어떤
왜곡은 부당한가 ?
- 여기에는 어떤 왜곡은 좀더 정당하고 자연스럽게 만드는 외부
기제가 작동하기 때문이다 . 문제는 그것을 당신이 선택한 적이
없고 (not chosen), 그것은 잘 드러나지도 않는다 (hidden) 는 점이다 .
그것은 도처에 전제 (assumed) 되어 있다 .

세계관의 다원성 (plurality) 은 치명적 매력 (fatal attraction) 이다

- 세계관과 시점의 다양성은 즐기고 향유할 일이다
- 그러나 , 당신도 나름의 관점을 지니고 있다는 점에서 의식적
자기성찰을 요한다
동양과 서양 , 서로 다른 세계관

* 리처드 니스벳 ( 최인철 옮김 ), 생각의 지도 ( 김영사 , 2004)

Stuart McArther: 1970 년 12 세 때 이 지도를 그림 . 현재 35 만부 팔린 이 지도의 원본에는 “마침내 최초의 운동이 시작되었다 . 영광스러우나
무시되었던 우리나라를 세계권력 싸움의 어두운 심연으로부터 끌어내 정당한 위치로 올려놓기 위해 오래전부터 무르익은 성전 ( 聖戰 ) 에 첫발을
내딛었다 . 호주가 북반구의 이웃국가들 위로 우뚝 솟아서 , 우주의 지배적 위치에 당당히 군림하는 것이다”고 되어있다 .
Dreaming Upside-Down
by Tom Peterson

I dreamed the other night that all the maps in the world had been turned
upside down. Library atlases, roadmaps of Cincinnati, wall-sized maps in
the war rooms of the great nations, even antique maps with such
inscriptions as "Here be Dragons" were flipped over. What had been north
was now south, east was west. Like a glob of melting vanilla ice cream,
Antarctica now capped schoolroom globes.

In my dream, a cloud of anxieties closed around me. The United States was
now at the bottom. Would we have to stand upside-down, causing the
blood to rush to our heads? Would we need suction-cup shoes to stay on
the planet, and would autumn leaves fall up? No, I remembered, an apple
once bopped Newton on the head - no need to worry about these things.
Other things troubled me more. Now that we're at the bottom, would our
resources and labor be exploited by the new top? Would African, Asian,
and Latin American nations structure world trade to their advantage?
Would my neighbors and I have two-dollars-a-day seasonal jobs on peach a
nd strawberry plantations? Would the women and children work from dusk to d
awn to scratch survival from the earth of California and Virginia? Would the frui
t we picked be shipped from New Orleans and New York for children in Thailan
d and Ethiopia to hurriedly eat with their cereal so they wouldn't miss the scho
ol bus? Would our children, then, spend the morning, not in school, but fetchi
ng water two miles away and the afternoon gathering wood for heating and co
oking? Would a small ruling class in this country send their daughters and son
s to universities in Cairo and Buenos Aires?

Would our economy be dependant upon the goodwill and whims of, say, Brazi
l? Would Brazil send war planes and guns to Washington, D.C. to assure our
willingness to pick apples and tobacco for export while our children went hung
ry? Would Brazil and Vietnam fight their wars with our sons in our country? Wo
uld we consider revolution?

If we did revolt, would the Philippino government plot to put their favorite U.S.
general in power, and then uphold him with military aid?
Would we work in sweatshops manufacturing radios for the Chinese? Would o
ur oil be shipped in tankers to Southeast Asia to run their cars, air-conditionin
g and microwave ovens while most of our towns didn’t even have electricity?
Would top of the world religious leaders call us stubborn pagans upon whom
God’s judgement had fallen, causing our misery? Would they proclaim from o
pulent pulpits that if we simply turned to God, our needs would be met?
In my dream, I saw child crying in Calcutta. Her parents wouldn't buy her any
more video games until her birthday. I saw her mother drive to the supermark
et and load her cart with frozen and junk food, vegetables, cheese, meat, an
d women's magazines.

I also saw a mother in Houston baking bread in an earthen oven. She had be
en crying because there were no more beans for her family. One of her childr
en listlessly watched her. He was a blond boy, about six years old. He slowly
turned his empty, haunting gaze toward me.

At that point I awoke with a gasp. I saw I was in my own bed, in my own hou
se. It was just a bad dream. I drifted back to sleep, thinking, "It’s all right, I'm
still on top."

Thank God!
세계관을 갖는다는 것
• 중심과 변방의 구분은 사물 자체에 새겨져 있지 않다 .
그것은 인간의 마음 (mind), 문화 (culture), 문명 (civilizati
on) 에 새겨져 있다 . (eg. Orientalism)

• 세계관 공부의 일차적 과제는 세상의 이해 (understanding

the world) 에 있다 . 그러나 , 그것은 언제나 자기 정체성
이해 (understanding the self-identity) 에 연관된다 .

• 세계관을 확립한다는 것은 ‘세계와의 관계 설정이 확립된다’

는 것을 의미한다 . 이것은 언제나 일정 정도 세계변혁적 (w
orld-transformative) 이다 . 순응 , 편승 , 저항이란 서로
다른 형태로 드러나기는 하지만…

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