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The Time Quintet

By:Madeleine Lengle

Interest Level Grades 3 - 8

Lexile level 740L

This book series on average was rated at 4.1 stars. These are the summaries of each of
the five books in the Time Quintet.
A Wrinkle in Time
Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which are three unearthly beings that act like humans and are very willing to help the
Murrys. They send Meg and Charles Wallace through time and space to rescue their father on a planet called Camazotz,
accompanied by their new friend Calvin. Along the way, the three children learn about the "Dark Thing" which is a cloud of
evil that shadows a great many planets, including Earth. They encounter a brain named IT, which controls the minds of the
people on the new planet including Charles Wallace.
A Wind in the Door
Meg, Calvin and the disagreeable school principal Mr. Jenkins have to travel inside one of Charles Wallace's mitochondria
to save him from a deadly disease which is part of a cosmic battle against the evil Echthroi and the forces of "Unnaming".
A Swiftly Tilting Planet
Charles Wallace must save the world from nuclear war by going back in time and changing what may have happend
accompanied in spirit through kything by Meg at home.
Many Waters
Twins Dennys and Sandy accidentally walk into Mr. Murry's experiment and are sent back in time to the pre-flood days of
Noah. They befriend his family, a group of seraphim, and some miniature mammoths.
An Acceptable Time
Meg and Calvin's eldest daughter, Polly O'Keefe, visits her maternal grandparents only to find herself trapped 3000 years in
the past, caught up in a struggle between the People of the Wind and the warlike, drought-stricken People Across the

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