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These are a few Contents

Page typography designs

that I think would suit the
style of my magazine.

Preferred Option
My preferred option is the second one, I feel as though
this would suit the theme of my magazine perfectly. It
isnt too bold, so it doesnt take up all of the attention
away from the other aspects of the contents page.
Furthermore, it has an italic style appearance and it also
uses lowercase letters. For me this gives off a friendly
vibe to the magazine, which would be ideal for my type
of magazine. The style of the text connotes elegance,
which be suited to the creative theme of my magazine.

Least Preferred
The option I least like is the first one, this is because of
how straight the text is. It still slants the text slightly,
however the C is the same level as the rest of the text
unlike some of the others. This for me gives off too
much of a formality vibe, and makes the magazine
seem slightly more serious than it needs to be.

Other Thoughts
However, I do like the look of the last option also.
Although I have positives and negatives towards this
design. I like the font style, I think that it connotes the
creativity in the magazine. However the boldness and
the straightness of the text dont make this my first

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