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How is Aphasia

Aphasia is usually first recognized by the physician who
treats the individual for his or her brain injury. Frequently
this is a neurologist. The physician typically performs test
that require the individual to follow commands, answer
questions, name objects, and converse. If the physician
suspects aphasia, the individual is often referred to a
comprehensive examination of the persons ability to
understand, speak, read, and write.

How is APHASIA treated?

In some instances, an individual will completely recover from aphasia without treatment. This type of
spontaneous recovery usually occurs following a transient ischemic attack (TIA) , a kind of stroke in
which the blood flow to the brain is temporarily interrupted but quickly restored. Language abilities
may return in a few hours or a few days.

Aphasia Therapy strives to improve an individuals ability to communicate by helping the person to use
remaining abilities, to restore language abilities as much as possible, to compensate for language
problems, and to learn other methods of communicating.
Treatment may be offered in individual or group settings. Individual therapy focuses on the specific
needs of the person
Family members are encourage to:
1. Simplify language by using short, uncomplicated sentences;
2. Repeat the content words or write down key words to clarify meaning as needed;
3. Maintain a natural conversational manner appropriate for an adult;
4. Minimize distractions, such as a blaring radio, whenever possible;
5. Ask for and value the opinion of the person with the aphasia, especially regarding family matters;
6. Include the person with aphasia in conversations;
7. Encourage any type of communication, whether it is speech, gesture, pointing, or drawing;
8. Avoid correcting the individuals speech;
9. Allow the individual plenty of time to talk and
10. Help the individual become involved outside the home. Seek out support groups such as stroke

What research is being

done for Aphasia

Aphasia ways research explores new

ways to evaluate and treat aphasia, as
well as, further understanding of the
function of the brain. Brain imaging
techniques are helping to define brain
function, determine the severity of
brain damage, and predict the severity
of Aphasia. These procedure include

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