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DOL Week 35

1. Mrs Shapiro asked we students,

dont you ever notice the birds in
parks and meadows? (3)
2. Because there are so many things
to notice in our enviroment you and
I doesnt always see all that we
might. (3)

3. Birdwatching have sudden become

a popular pastime for many
peoples. (3)
4. Birdwatchers learns to reconize
both the songs and field marks of
various species of bird. (3)

5. Whom can name the different kind

of field marks asked Mrs. Shapiro?
6. First there is color, second there is
shape, third there is size and fourth
there is behavior. (7)

7. Although a robin has sevral field

marks its more important is without
a doubt its red chest. (5)
8. The distinguishing field mark, or the
one people know bestest, of the
barn swallow is its forked tail. (2)

9. Can I borrow your book about field

marks mrs. Shapiro? Ryan asked.
10.Yes you can and i hope it helps you
become more intrested in birds and
birdwatching. (4)

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