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Austin Papas

what is the I.R.

The I.R. was the evolution of many new and great ideas, many new

Causes of the I.R.

some causes are increased agricultural productivity, growing
population, new sources of energy such as steam and coal, demand for
mass products, and improved technology

new inventions of the I.R.

there was many new inventions such as, mines, factories,
automobiles, assembly line, the r.r. took a big part also

key industries
there was many new jobs available during the i.r. they needed more
people to come work many things, factories were the main job in the i.r.
this gave mnany people money and thats what they needed to start a
life in the u.s.

there was terrible working conditions, it was loud and there was bad
particles in the air that was not good for people to breath. they treated
the people horribly

economic ideas

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