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Problem-solving is a mental process involving

a systematic approach in identifying a

problem and analyzing it using critical
thinking skills, or data gathering and IT tools,
to understand and subsequently solve it.

Individuals find solutions to a problem using

various methods.
Problem-solving methods include:
Trial-and-error (testing possible solutions until the right
one is found).
Experience (similar problem was previously solved).
Knowledge (problem and solution are known).
Research (finding existing solutions to similar problems).
Divide and conquer (breaking down a large complex
problem into smaller, solvable problems).

Problem-solving methods (contd):

Brainstorming (discussing the problem among persons
and choosing the optimum solution from the solutions or
ideas given).
Abstraction (solving the problem in a model of the
system before applying to the real system).
Hypothesis testing (assuming a possible explanation to
the problem and trying to prove the assumption).
Analogy (using a solution that solved an analogous
Root cause analysis (eliminating the cause of the

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