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Indian Greeting Card Industry


Roll No.21
Introduction of Greeting Card Industry
A greeting card is an illustrated piece of card or high quality paper featuring an
expression of friendship or other sentiment. Although greeting cards are usually
given on special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas or other holidays, they are
also sent to convey thanks or express other feelings. Greeting cards, usually
packaged with an envelope, come in a variety of styles. There are both mass-
produced as well as handmade versions that are distributed by hundreds of
companies large and small. While typically inexpensive, more elaborate cards with
die-cuts or glued-on decorations may be more expensive. Hallmark
Cards and American Greetings are the two largest producers of greeting cards in the
world today (both are U.S-based companies). In Western countries and increasingly
in other societies, many people traditionally mail seasonally themed cards to their
friends and relatives in December. Many service businesses also send cards to their
customers in this season, usually with a universally acceptable non-religious
message such as "happy holidays" or "season's greetings".
History for Greeting card Industry
The custom of sending greeting cards can be traced back to the ancient Chinese,
who exchanged messages of good will to celebrate the New Year, and to the
early Egyptians, who conveyed their greetings on papyrus scrolls. By the early 15th
century, handmade paper greeting cards were being exchanged in Europe. The
Germans are known to have printed New Year's greetings from woodcuts as early as
1400, and handmade paper Valentines were being exchanged in various parts of
Europe in the early to mid-15th century, with the oldest Valentine in existence being
in the British Museum. By the 1850s, the greeting card had been transformed from a
relatively expensive, handmade and hand-delivered gift to a popular and affordable
means of personal communication, due largely to advances in printing,
mechanization, and a reduction in postal rates with the introduction of the postage
stamp. This was followed by new trends like Christmas cards, the first of which
appeared in published form in London in 1843 when Sir Henry Cole hired
artist John Calcott Horsley to design a holiday card that he could send to his friends
and acquaintances. In the 1860s, companies like Marcus Ward & Co, Good all and
Charles Bennett began the mass production of greeting cards.
Advantages of Greeting Card Industry




Disadvantages Greeting Card Industry




Types of Greeting Cards

Counter cards
Standard Greeting Cards
Photo Greeting Cards
Personalized Greeting Cards
Reusable Greeting Cards
Risqu Greeting Cards
Reusable Greeting Cards
Electronic Greeting Cards
Pop-Up Cards
Printable Greeting Cards
Uses of Greeting Card Industry

Donate them
Regift theme
Keep them for crafts
Different Companys of greeting card industry


A. About Hallmark
B. History of Hallmark

Marketing strategies of Greeting card Industry

A Website
Social Media
Email Marketing
Offline Marketing Strategies
Online Marketing Strategy
Introduction Archies Greeting Card

Archies Limited (earlier called Archies Greetings and Gifts Ltd.) is an Indian
company based in New Delhi. It was started in 1979 by Anil Moolchandani. Initially
it sold song books, posters and leather patches. The company's main product,
greeting cards, was introduced in 1980. Cards were introduced for major Indian
festivals such as Holi, Diwali and Rakhi, apart from the usual New Year, birthday
and anniversary occasions. The company went public in 1995. In 1998, it was listed
on the National Stock Exchange of India and Bombay Stock Exchange. Archies
Limited is in the business of manufacturing and selling greeting cards and
other social expression products such as gifts and posters. Archies has a market
share of about 50% of India's greeting cards market.
Marketing Strategy for Archies
Mission Statement
Goal Statement
Marketing Objective
Financial Objective
Target Market
Target Market Components
Marketing Mix
Archies promotes a medium of social expression to celebrate life. We seek to
attain compassionate connection in the world expressed through heartfelt
sentiments hoping to make a difference in each life, each day.

Triving to achieve excellence in our services that they enrich and ameliorate
everyday living experience. Focusing on improving the creativity and quality in
all our products and in everything that we do. Realizing that innovation and
novelty in all areas of business is the key to attain the set objectives and sustain
them. Identifying that distinguished performance is imperataive to accomplish
broader targets.
Reasons Why Greeting Cards are
Necessary for your Business
A greeting card is an open invitation for contact.
Targeted to your client base
Its not marketing
They will remember you
You will be put on display
A medium to announce important corporate milestones.
Greeting cards are accepted
Another dimension to your networking practices.
Maintain great client relationships
Gratitude is a widely known and practiced step to success.
This exploratory study has investigated the modern ritual of giving greeting cards in addition to gift-
giving among young Chinese Singaporeans. The study has extended prior research on gift giving by
examining its similarity with card giving behavior. New measures of gift / card giving are developed such as
perceived ability to communicate with friends and family, reciprocity, preference for practical gifts and for
storing gifts/ cards as mementos.We found that overall for the sample under consideration, a card was
considered as somewhat of a gift. One reason why cards could be considered as a gift by this group, is that
card-giving has not yet become a part of their work-related or familial obligations. We also noticed that
occasions for sending a card have not been developed to the extent it has been in the U.S. Thus a novelty
factor still exists for cards. Also, a card may still be considered expensive for this group of non-working
students. This may also explain why reciprocity level for cards was also significant overall. Although,
overall, cards were considered at least as somewhat of a gift and treasured as mementos, there were some
people who preferred practical gifts and did not value cards as gifts. The study also showed that those who
felt they communicated better with others tended to give more cards. If a person feels she is a good
communicator, why is a card necessary? Perhaps a card serves as a symbolic gift in addition to being a
vehicle for explicit verbal communication (Ruth 1996). Since cards are mostly exchanged among friends for
our sample, it is more likely that they are given to confirm friendship, love or other sentiments rather than to
express difficult to deliver face-to-face messages.The various measures of cards/gifts and their relationship
to values in the LOV scale were not all consistent with results from prior studies (Beatty 1991, 1996). As in
earlier studies, those endorsing Warm Relationship with Others and Self-Respect perceived that they gave
more gifts. However, in our study, even those who endorsed Fun & Enjoyment perceived they gave more
gifts. It is likely that for our sample, Fun & Enjoyment has a different meaning and may be associated with
people oriented activities

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