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Mao Zedong


Pattraporn Kheerinpharadorn (BB)

Puttaruksa Pisansrisomsuk (Put)
Who is he?
- Mao was born on 26 December
1893 into a peasant family in
Shaoshan, in Hunan province,
central China.
- He is the member of chinese
communist party (CCP)
The role of Communist Party of
- Overthrowing the rule of Imperialism, Feudalism
and Bureaucrat-capitalism
- To maintain political stability
- Encourage infrastructural and technological
After his death
- Mao remained in undisputed control of China until
his death in 1976.
- After Mao's death, there was a power stuggle,
which saw the fall of Mao's 'Gang of Four' supporters,
- The restoration of Deng Xiaoping, who followed a
more moderate line whilst retaining absolute political
After his death
- China has been changed in an extraordinary
program of renewal and reform.
- The obvious changes, Such as, the T-shirts, blue
jeans, makeup and jewelry worn by Chinese youth;
the disco music blaring from radios and loudspeakers
on Chinese streets.
Social and political changes in the 1980s

1. Reforms and Openness

Similarly to Gorbachev in Russia, Deng introduced 'Reforms and Openness' (the
Beijing Spring'), and set a policy of reform called the 'four modernisations'
(agriculture, industry, technology, military)
2. The 'Four Cardinal Principles'
Modernisation was NOT accompanied by political reform Deng opposed
democracy and recommended upholding 'the socialist road', democratic
dictatorship, the CCP leadership, and Mao Zedong Thought
Economic development in the 1980s

1.Household Responsibility System

In agriculture, peasants were allowed to rent a plot of land and
farm it almost as a private farm provided they gave a set quota of
produce to the commune
2. Reform of the Economic System Resolution, 1984
This Resolution did not allow private businesses, but it gave much
more freedom to SoE managers to run their businesses as they wanted,
along capitalist lines

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