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The flowering plant clade, monophyletic
Greatest number of living plant species 257, 000.
Division Magnoliophyta
The most advanced group of plants or most
Has the greater number of derived characters that
are unique for natural selection
Has flower-a significant synapomorphy features-
beneficial for interaction to animals, antiherbivore
compounds, wood more complex-vessels, wood
A. Possible evolving changes:
1. charophytes embryophytes zosterophyllophyte and
rhyniophyte; these 2 underwent series of modifications
2. early ferns to most advanced ferns
3. seed ferns or gymnosperms Pinaceae
B. Basal Angiosperms of relictual/plesiomorphic features
1. Amborella primitive nesselless
2. Nymphaeales water lilies
3. Austrobaileyales
4. Magnoliids
All 4 have flat stamens without distinct anther and
filaments, mmc large internal masses carpels are leaf-
like, ovary edge have hairs as stigmatic surface
C. Modern angiosperm double fertilization,
capacity to mutation developmental plasticity,
bisexual flowers, vessel elements, sieve tubes,
pistil, sympetally, zygomorphy
-130 mil year ago-transition from gymnosperm
to angiosperms
Extant genera representing the fossils
(Cretaceous period), Populres (poplar) Quercres
(oak) Magnolia
-123 mya-oldest woof of angiosperm of Japan
-fossils of pollen-lower cretaceous period from
related dicots and monocots
-carpels attached to receptacles-fossils in China
Basal Angiosperms
1. Nymphaeaceae water lilies
-small, herbaceous, vascular bundles scattered, lack wood,
submerged underwater, large colorful flowers, pollination by
2. Amborella trichopoda small tree in new Caledonia-with
tracheids no vessels and small parenchyma dioecious, some
plants with staminate flower others carpellate flowers (and
staminodes-have come from bisexual ancestors), flowers small
numerous stames, 5-6 carpels, with secretory hairs acting as
3. Austrobaileyales woody trees with bisexual flowers stamens
and carpels similar to Amborella.
4. Magnoliids trees lacks vessels fibers and axial parenchyma,
numerous stamens, carpels in spirals, not fused to pistil, pollen
grain unaperturate, others includes: Lauraceae-bay leaves,
magnolia; Magnoliaceae-tulip tree, magnolia; Piperaceae-black
pepper, Peperomia; Myristicaceae-nutmeg
From early angiosperms 80 to 100 mya
Gynoecium of several carpels (3) free or slightly
Perianth 3 outer, 3 inner
Parallel venation could have broad leaves and
aquatic then leaves by mutations then strap-
10 orders
1. Alismatales aquatic herbs;
Hydrocharitaceae, Najadaceae, Posidoniaceae,
Rupiaceae, Zosteraceae sea grasses no
stomata, has air chambers, no xylem, thin delicate,
araceae, alismataceae
2. Liliales petaloid monocots, with bulbs
3. Asparagales Orchidaceae, Agavaceae,
Ruscaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Alliaceae, Iridaceae,
Asparagaceae, Asphodelaceae
4. Dioscoreales Dioscoreaceae, Commelinoid
5. Arecales palmae
6. Poales grasses, food grain
Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Typhaceae, Bromeliaceae
7. Zingiberales Musaceae, Zingiberaceae,
Cannaceae, Maranthaceae, Strelitziaceae
Tricolpate pollen grain, flowers in whorls, stamen
with filament and anther
Basal Eudicots: Ramunculaceae, Papaveraceae,
1. Caryophyllales betalains, perisperms, sieve
tubes with plastids of fibrous proteins
-Cactaceae, Arizoaceae, Portuecaceae,
Nyctaginaceae, Amaranthaceae, Caryophyllaceae
-no woods or little or unusual anomalous woods
-70 to 80 mya-evolve during continental drift-
mostly in Gondwana-Southern hemisphere except
-some others-Polygonaceae, Plumbaginaceae,
Droseraceae, Nepenthaceae
2. Santanales mostly parasitic
Basal Santalaceae, Loranthaceae
A. Rosids Clade pinnately compound leaves, 14
Vitales Vitaceae-grapes smaller order of
Geraniales Geraniaceae economic
1. Fabids or Eurosids I Fabales, Myrtales,
Malphighiales, Rosales, Sapindales
2. Malvids or Eurosids II Anacardiaceae,
Malvaceae, Rutaceae, Brassicaceae, Meliaceae
B. Asterid Clade sympetalous flowers, few
stamens, stamens alternate with petals
-need special pollinators-the insects
-have iridoid compoinds
-Basal asterids-Cornaceae, Ebenaceae,
Ericaceae, Hydrangeaceae, Polemoniaceae,
Primulaceae, Serraceniaceae, Theaceae
2 orders
1. Lamiids or Euasterids I Solanales, Gentianales,
Lamiales, Cornales, Ericales, Garryales
2. Campanulids or Euasterids II Aquifoliales,
Apiales, Dipsacales, Asterales
Asteraceae sesquiterpenes lactones, monoterpenes,
terpenoids, polyacetylene resins, sunflower
Apocynaceae vinblastine, vincristine Periwinkle for
Rubiaceae caffeine-coffee, quanine, cinchona,
ipecac-Cephaelis, cardiac glycosides-Digitalis
Solanaceae potato, tomato, red pepper, eggplant,
Asclepiadaceae milkweeds
Convolvulaceae sweet potato, morning glory
Lamiaceae thyme, mints, lavender
Apiaceae celery, dill, fennel-oils, resins, triterpenoid,
saponins, coumarins, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes
Fabaceae beans, peas, lentils, peanuts-nitrogen
fixing bacteria, sources of many drugs, dyes,
Caryophyllales betalains
Magnoliids benzyl isoquinoline alkaloids
Rosids ellagic acid, proanthocyanins
Rosaceae roses, apple, almonds, cherry, peach,
Myrtales Eucalyptus
Sapindales frankincense Boswellia
-mryhh - Commiphora

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