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Alex Ambrose
Fact 1
The definition of terrorism is the
unlawful use of violence and
intimidation, especially against civilians,
in the pursuit of political aims.
Fact 2
Terrorism has caused
around 130,000 deaths
Fact 3
There have been around 90,000
terrorist attacks
Fact 4
The deadliest terrorist attack was
committed by the Al-Qaeda terrorist
group, the attack happened on
September, 11th, 2001. The group
flew 3 planes into the world trade
center in New York and the
Pentagon in Virginia.

Deaths: 2,993
Injured: 8,900
Fact 5
Al-Qaeda is the most deadly
terrorist group to form, they are
responsible for killing over 4,400
people in their attacks. Their leader
was named Osama Bin Laden
Fact 6
The leader of Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin
Laden was killed by U.S. Seal Team 6
on May, 10th, 2011 ten years after his
infamous attack on the World Trade
Fact 7
The most prominent terrorist group
in the world right now is the Islamic
State of Iraq and Syria AKA ISIS
Fact 8
The attacks on 9-11 caused the U.S.
to go to war with afghanistan and Iraq
Fact 9
32,862 people died in 2014 due to
terrorist attacks
Fact 10
In total terrorist have cost the global
economy $52 billion in damage.
The world has also spent over $115
Billion on anti-terrorism programs.

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