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Emotional Behavior

By: Nick Kingeter
EDUC 627
What does this diagnosis mean?

This means that the student exhibits social, behavioral, and emotional
functioning that is vastly different than their peers

The student will receive extra guidance and support from the school district and
other county/state services to be best prepared for life after schooling.

This diagnosis is not the result of personal weakness, lack of character, or poor
upbringing. Mental illnesses are treatable. Most people diagnosed with a serious
mental illness can experience relief from their symptoms by actively participating
in an individual treatment plan. - Council for Exceptional Children
Qualification Criteria

All behaviors exhibited are frequent, chronic, and severe. Also occur at school and at
least one other setting

Student may present the following:

Poor academic progress

Poor or lacking social skills

Trouble transitioning or adjusting to new environments

Lagging Hygiene or self-care

Impact on student

Inability to develop and/or sustain relationships

Adverse behavioral response to simple command, aggressive

Depression or anxiety, withdrawn

Emotional problems cause physical pain and suffering

Inability to learn because of behavior interference

Example Goals

Following expectations: Student X will complete a teacher given task

without negative comment 4 out of 5 trials.

Transitioning: Student X will arrive on time with all materials needed

for class 3 out of 5 trials.

Positive interactions: Student X will have positive interactions with

peer and staff without issue 2 out of 5 trials.

On-task/focus time: When given work time, Student X will stay on

task for half of the allotted time 4 out of 5 trials.
Typical Services

Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs)

Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs)

1:1 Teacher Aid or co-teaching structure

Restructure of environment and schedule: regular education room,

special education room, self-contained room, mixture of all three
Strategies used in schools

Behavior monitoring forms (self and staff)

Assigned seating or proximity control

Frequent communication with guardian

Mixture of classroom environments (regular, special ed, self-contained)

RTI (Academic interventions at various levels)

Text suggestions

Use a mixture of positive/negative reinforcement and consequences

Empathize with students, show you care about them!

Allow student involvement in expectations

Assign only meaningful homework- they are kids!

Gain background knowledge into the students interests

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