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Specialist Diploma in Workplace Safety &


Manage Cross Functional and

Culturally Diverse Teams

Name of student: Saminathan Munisamy

NRIC Number:S756933D
Situation How you will deal with it Apply strategy to build team
relationship & a harmonious
and inclusive work
Joseph makes Let Joseph know that his As managers, we should :
jokes that demean jokes are not funny and 1. Set examples in treating
or stereotype explain why they are not respectfully every individual.
people from other funny. If Josephs jokes 2. encourage others to reject
cultures. seem to be very irritating stereotyping based on races
and making you to feel not and nationalities
comfortable, you may 3. Organise cross cultural
want to refer the matter to training for Joseph and
your supervisor. May be workers.
organise a cross-cultural 4. Counseling for Joseph
training for Joseph and 5. Avoid placing one ethnic
staff would be helpful. group of workers in one
Seek advice from the location. Try to have diversity of
union, Human Resources race, culture and language in
department if the problem the group.
Situation How you will deal with it Apply strategy to build team
relationship & a harmonious
and inclusive work
Sammy, who views Inform Sammy that it is 1. Counselling to Sammy on
time as flexible, is very important to be the importance of being
regularly late to punctual. Seek assistance punctual for meeting.
appointments and of another co-worker who 2. Discuss with Sammy what
meetings. is from the same cultural problem does he face in
background as Sammy to keeping up with time.
explain to Sammy the
importance of punctuality.
Situation How you will deal with it Apply strategy to build team
relationship & a harmonious
and inclusive work
Jill, your work Explain to Robert that in 1. Organise a cross cultural
mate, gets upset Jills culture this is program to discuss norms in
when Robert calls considered disrespectful various culture.
her using his index to call a person using 2. Discuss with Robert that it is
finger. index finger. Also explain disrespectful to call a person
to Jill that Robert did not using index finger. Explain
mean to offend as it is Robert the culture of where Jill
acceptable to call people came from.
in this manner in Roberts
Situation How you will deal with it Apply strategy to build team
relationship & a harmonious
and inclusive work
Your co-worker, Perhaps could introduce Encourage Johnny to
Lucy, is suspicious Janet and Annie, to a participate more in activities
of Johnny. She range of people from involving other culture.
says that hes got different cultures and Create awareness that
something to hide encourage social outings. negative stereotyping would
as he never looks Janet and Annie will have negative impact on the
people in the eye. probably soon find that person, team and company in a
Johnny is from a their pre-conceptions are whole.
culture where the baseless and unfair.
listener averts his
eyes but the
speaker does not.
Situation How you will deal with it Apply strategy to build team
relationship & a harmonious
and inclusive work
When Bobby, the Explain to Kenny that it is As Kenny new to job in
team leader, asks quite acceptable in Singapore, it would be good to
Kenny when he will Singapore for someone to organise briefing / program of
finish the job, enquire directly about the general working culture in
Kenny feels that progress of a job. Singapore. This would help
Bobby is trying to Kenny to understand Singapore
hurry him up and is and its culture.
harassing him.
Kenny is new to
Singapore and in
his culture it is
considered impolite
to ask direct
Situation How you will deal with it Apply strategy to build team
relationship & a harmonious
and inclusive work
Perhaps could Perhaps could introduce Perhaps could introduce Janet
introduce Janet Janet and Annie, to a and Annie, to a range of people
and Annie, to a range of people from from different cultures and
range of people different cultures and encourage social outings.
from different encourage social outings. Janet and Annie will probably
cultures and Janet and Annie will soon find that their pre-
encourage social probably soon find that conceptions are baseless and
outings. Janet and their pre-conceptions are unfair.
Annie will probably baseless and unfair.
soon find that their
are baseless and

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