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African Sahara Trade

Samuel Llano-
Ah, Timbuktu. Im leaving my home country today. I stare up into the hot sun. Then
across savanna. Im only about twenty miles away from the border of the sahara desert. I
live on the Sahel. I have to go to the market, where my dad works to say bye. I go he is
selling meat. I talk to him and say bye. Then I go back home to get my stuff. Say goodbye to
my mother, my younger brother, and my older sister. Then, I leave on the camel the nomads
have brought me. They tell me I should go to Arabia and learn the religion and culture
because it is very peaceful.
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2/28/1400 CE
I have arrived in Ghat. There are many oases. trade markets have been placed around
them. I walk around, find a trading post with Arabic things. I traded five grams of gold for a
piece paper with the Arabic language written on it. I go get water from the oasis. I take
some sips from it too. I still have water for later though. As Im walking back to my camp
with the nomads, a mile or two outside the oasis, I see a cobra ready to strike. I dont know
what to do. Then I remember. I have to back away slowly and carefully or else it will attack.
Thats what I do. When I arrive back at camp, they have some food roasting for later
tonight. I go back out. I trade twenty rubies for spices to put on my food. I also bought some
dried fruit with one ounce of silver. Just to have as a snack on the way.
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5/5/1400 ce
I have arrived in my destination of mecca. I have fully learned the Arabic
language. I am soon to go to the Kabbah. I eat some Mediterranean food. Then I walk
around exploring the city. I meet some people. A man named Muhammad. He is the
Imam Khatib (islam priest) and says he can convert me. I study the religion for hours
and then am converted. He shows me the way to the Kabbah. I visit it. Earlier I bought
myself a prayer rug. I lay it down and pray to Allah.
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