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Amino Acids

Esguerra, Imarie Fernandez, Aldrin

Fajutagana, Clarice Gamboa, Lois
Ninhydrin Test
The Ninhydrin Test is a test for amino
acids and proteins with a free
-NH2group. When such an
-NH2group reacts with ninhydrin, a
purple-blue complex is formed
(Ruhemann's purple) .
Amino Acid Color Results

Alanine (Ala) Clear solution (no change)

Histidine (His) Clear to Purple solution

Aspartic Acid (Asp) Clear solution (no change)

Tyrosine (Tyr) Clear solution (no change)

Xanthoproteic Test

Aromatic amino acids, such as

Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan,
respond to this test. In the presence of
concentrated nitric acid, the aromatic phenyl ring
is nitrated to give yellow colored nitro-
derivatives. At alkaline pH, the color changes to
orange due to the ionization of the phenolic

Amino Acid Color Results

Alanine (Ala) Clear solution (no change)

Histidine (His) Clear solution (no change)

Aspartic Acid (Asp) Clear solution (no change)

Tyrosine (Tyr) Clear to Light Yellow solution

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