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people are
afraid of

Things Things in
made of your
paper pocket

Things Things
Things in
that start that are
your fridge
with sh red
Things that start with sh
1. Sheep
2. Shoes
3. Ship
4. Shampoo
5. Shop
6. Shoulder
7. Shirt
8. Shark
Things in the fridge
1. Milk
2. Meat
3. Fruit
4. Egg
5. Butter
6. Juice
7. Honey
8. Vegetable
Things that are red
1. Tomato
2. Blood
3. Rose
4. Crayon
5. Mars
6. Fire
7. Coca-Cola
8. Strawberry
Things made of paper
1. Ticket
2. Money
3. Newspaper
4. Book
5. Envelope
6. Bag
7. Cup
8. Napkin
Things in your pocket
1. Mobile phone
2. Wallet
3. Gum
4. Key
5. Money
6. Tissue
7. Lipstick
8. Credit card
Things that people are afraid of
1. Spider
2. Snake
3. Darkness
4. Death
5. Ghost
6. Height
7. Clown
8. Flying

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