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Purbasari Lipstick Color


Nama : Norma Linda Safira

NPM : CA115111265
Purbasari Lipstick Color Matte is new
Products issued by Gloria Origata Cosmetic PT .
Currenly Purbasari Lipstick Color Matte
Ngehitss in the world of make up.
The Packaging of the
Purbasari Lipstick black ,
with the word Purbasari
Gold. And in the out the
packaging are color
description, expired date
description and advantage
Texture of Lipstick is no Shiny and very soft when use
on our lips
Purbasari Lipstick Color Matte have many color such as colors
that i bring today is number 89 named Jade and number 90 named
Crystal .
In the color number 90 will more peach or calm and face will look
And in the color number 89 will look of natural or is more
to the color of lips but a bit lighter .
Thank You For Attention

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