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Human beings on Mars


Mars is a rocky body

about half the size of
Earth .As with the other
terrestrial planets -
Mercury, Venus, and
Earth - volcanoes,
impact craters, crustal
movement, and
atmospheric conditions
such as dust storms
have altered the
surface of Mars.
How Mars Got its Name?

Mars was named by the Romans for their god of war

because of its red, bloodlike color. Other civilizations also
named this planet from this attribute; for example, the
Egyptians named it "Her Desher " , meaning "the red one."
Like Earth, Mars experiences seasons due to
the tilt of its rotational axis. Mars' orbit is
about 1.5 times farther from the sun than
Earth's and is slightly elliptical, so its distance
from the sun changes. That affects the length
of Martian seasons, which vary in length.
Mars has the largest volcano in the solar
system, Olympus Mons, as well as a
spectacular equatorial canyon system, Valles
Mars Compared to Earth

Compared to Earth, Mars is a pretty small, dry, cold,

and dusty planet. It has comparatively low gravity, very
little atmosphere and no breathable air. And the years
are also mighty long, almost twice that of Earth, in fact.
However, the planet does have its fair share of water
(albeit mostly in ice form), has seasonal cycles similar
to Earth, temperature variations that are similar, and a
day that is almost as long.
All of these factors will have to be addressed if ever
human beings want to live there. And whereas some
can be worked with, others will have to be overcome or
adapted to. And for that, we will have to lean pretty
heavily on our technology

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