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Does living off campus affect

your GPA?
Group 4
Nathan Carr, Scot Johnson, and Juan Rojas
The Survey
Consisted of nine questions

3 manual entry, 3 yes/no, 3 multiple choice

Tried to focus on potential distraction areas

Housing, employment, study and multitasking

Is there a link between distraction and GPA

Link between on/off campus distraction and GPA
Respondent statistics
125 students, 92 females and 33 males

65 Freshmen, 29 Sophomores, 23 Juniors, 8 Seniors

GPA ranged from 1.0 to over 4.0

3 people said they worked 50 to 60 hours a week

70 students live off campus, 55 on campus

74 students worked, 57% worked 10 to 30 hours

The Excel Sheet
Excel COUNTIF functions do not work well with fractions
Manually count and input data for some fields

GPA ranges small/distraction range large - difficult to combine

Created separate sheet to sort data difficult to format

Left original raw data untouched
The Data
Mostly Freshmen (74) and female

Average GPA was 3.2

60 students work 10 to 30 hours a


104 students study less than 10

hours a week

88 students distracted 20-60% of

the time
Our Findings
Data did not match our initial thought
No correlation between living off campus and GPA

No correlation between distraction and GPA

Average on campus student GPA 3.29

Average off campus student GPA 3.11

Below 20 study hours a week - no GPA impact

Lessons Learned and Ideas for Future
More data - poll more people to obtain wider data range

Try to even out gender and grade level respondents

Limit open ended questions - be mindful of data ranges

Follow up questions reduce skewed data

How many credits being taken

How many upper and lower level classes

Created by team members Nathan Carr, Juan Rojas and Scot

Data collection performed through Google Forms

Analysis and chart creation performed through Excel

Screenshot of survey taken using Jing

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