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Kate Chopin

About the author
Kate Chopin was born in Missouri
of 1850. She wrote The Awakening
during the Victorian Era and the
novel was based in Louisiana. She
is known as a feminist. In 1855
Chopins dad died in a railroad
accident which traumatized her at
such a young age. She lived
during the Civil War and had
slaves living in her house. She had
six kids then became a widow at
age 32 and never remarried.
In my analysis of the novel, The Awakening written by
Kate Chopin during the 1900s. I focused on Edna life
and how she was unhappy with her marriage and life.
She felt like being a wife and a mother wasnt what she
wanted. Edna acted on her emotions which wasnt
typical for her time and age. This story has a different
outlook to a woman's life and what she chooses.
Woman's rights
Independence of women
Woman roles
Woman sexuality
I felt like Kate Chopin wrote this story from her personal life. She
didnt do the act of adultery like Edna basically did but she was
widowed with six children at such a young age. Which made her
feel like she was doing it all on her own while trying to write and
provide for her children. I feel like she felt like Edna sometimes
but from a different view. Instead of not being happy in her
marriage but overwhelmed with all the lose in her life and trying
to cope with it. Trying to make a good life for her six kids as
much as she could alone. How writing helped her figure
everything out as well as therapy.

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