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What is the

between schedule
preferences and
Group A8: Annika
Skigen, Shannon
Hughes, Katie
What level (grade) are you?

Do you have a job

If yes, how many hours do you work a week?

When do you prefer to take classes?

Do you have a break for lunch in between your classes?

Do you prefer to have classes on Friday?

How many classes do you prefer to have a day?

On average, how many credits do you take per


What is your GPA?

Working vs. GPA
- As we guessed, of the 37% of students that did not have a job, 60% (28
students) had an above average GPA

- The students that worked more than 23 hours (average), 65% of them had
below average GPAs
Time Preference by Grade
- Most freshmen and sophomores prefer classes in the afternoon

- Most juniors and seniors prefer class in the morning

Time Preference vs. GPA
- Of the 60 students who prefer to take morning classes, 23 have and above
average GPA

- We found that most people prefer to take afternoon classes, however the
majority of the student who prefer this time have a below average GPA

- People who prefered night classes were split between the above and below
average GPA, but only 8 people prefer to take night classes
Friday Classes vs. GPA
- Almost all respondents prefer to make a schedule that does not have friday

- Of the people that said no, about half have an above average gpa and half have
below average.
- Overall we discovered that students who take classes spread out evenly during
the week and earlier in the day had higher GPAs.

- To further understand our research we would ask a few more questions

- How much time do you spend on homework/studying a week?

- Does your financial need affect your GPA?

- How does your major/difficulty of classes affect your GPA?

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