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Q2 How does your media product represent particular

social groups
Q2 How does your media product represent
particular social groups

My media products represent the target market social

group well. Ive used models that are young that relates to
the main target age range, using models of similar age
allows the reader to feel a connection because of the
similarities in what happens to people at certain ages. The
way my models are dressed also correlates to the age
group, the models are dressed smartly in some images
like the front cover and one of the images on the contents.
However the models are dressed casual as well, like the
other image on the contents and the double page spread.
Using two dress types opens the door to relate to as many
people as possible who might be reading the magazine.
On the front cover I almost created a sort of atmosphere
around my model, the way he doesnt look at the camera
makes it a very cool and stylish situation that hes in, this
relates to the social group of the target audience that I
tried to relate my front cover photo too.
Q2 How does your media product represent
particular social groups

For all my photos I used head shots, which include head

and shoulders because many celebrities are represented
in this way. They are close enough for the reader to
engage with the image positively but not close enough to
be a bit wired. Other magazines such as Q used the same
distance of the camera. On my double page spread
however I decided to make sure that the camera was
closer than normal, I saw the Fadr magazine front covers
and I really like the image so I wanted to copy the camera
angle but make a aggressive/interesting stance. I liked
how drake showed his teeth in the image on the right so I
made sure that I also did this for my picture.
Q2 How does your media product represent
particular social groups

I made sure that I also did this for my picture.

In hindsight I wished I had used female
models. Female models are often used by
magazines to attract the male audience. The
male gaze is a theory that the world is seen
through the male eye in the media. Not using
women models does however make sure that
they are not being objectified, but I wish I had,
as I believe my magazine would have had a
wider target audience.

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