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Music and Race: Michael Jackson and the Power of an International Superstar to Affect the World

Introduction Conclusions
Racism has and still is an issue that goes on throughout
our society. It has been going on for many years; In conclusion, this literature has
however, there has been a decrease in racism from past
to present. Due to leaders that stood to make a change. review has analyzed a great
Many believed violence was the answer to this issue. But
very few believed that words can make a change. One of
amount of information that helped
those few was named Michael Jackson. He stood up for me answer my questions about
racism, without violence but through his music. In the
1980s 1990s he came up with a variety of different Michael Jackson is affecting the
songs. But the ones that where more affective were his
singles, Black or White, Man in the Mirror, and We
world, through his music. Before
are the World. Each which he talked about different Michael Jackson was getting the
issues, but still somehow linked it to racism.
word across the world about the
horrible issues that were going on
at the time, people were not
aware. However, after releasing his
anti-racism, and world issue
Michael Jackson: Music and Race
Michael Jackson has influenced many people all over the world to stop Music and Race: Michael Jackson and the Power of an International Superstar to Affect the World related songs it's changed the face
world issues.
of the earth tremendously. People
got together and decided to stand
up to make a change. Gathering
up money for foundation to stop
world hunger and start protesting
for what is right. Michael Jackson
Many of
is an inspiration for today's
q=michael+jackson+we+are+the+world&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS734US735&espv= generation, and future generations
to come. He truly affected the

world for a good cause.

Acknowledgments Further information

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