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By: shelsey salinas and Lindzey

1st stage of genocide: classification
Sorting out a certain group of people
Tutsi and hutu
In USA Muslims are being classified as terrorists
and Mexicans as immigrants.
2nd stage: symbolization
This is another step for the first stage.
homosexuals and theyre symbolized by the
rainbow flag
3rd stage: dehumanization
gays as coming from hell or trump not wanting
to allow Muslims in America
4th stage: organization
Using big groups to support the genocide
Khmer rouge in Cambodia
5th stage: polarization
Forbidden by law to interact socially or by
2015 and homosexuals
6th stage: preparation
Hutus in Rwanda were helped by the French
Trump is preparing for deportation of illegals
and entering of Muslims
Germans prepared with concentration camps
7th stage: extermination
Mass murder
2003 darfur
War in syria
8th stage: denial
Covering up the evidence
Burning bodies
Mass graves
Source cited

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