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L-1 Blok STS

by : drg. Fani TH


Effects of Aging on The

1. Gingival epithelium
2. Gingival connective tissue
3. Periodontal ligament
4. Cementum
5. Alveolar bone
6. Bacterial plaque
Gingival epithelium
Perataan retepegs & altered cell density,
berpengaruh pada respon
penyembuhan bedah periodontal
Mengalami penipisan dan berkurangnya
keratin menyebabkan :
Peningkatan permeabilitas antigen bakteri
Berkurangnya pertahanan thd trauma
Atau keduanya..
Migrasi Junctional epithelium ke apikal

Resesi Gingiva attached gingiva ?

Gingival recession is NOT an inevitable physiologic

process of aging but is explained by cumulative
effects of inflammation or trauma on the
Gingival connective
Increasing age results in coarser and denser
gingival connective tissue
Qualitative & quantitative changes to Collagen :
Increased rate of conversion of soluble to insoluble
Increased mechanical stregth
Increased denaturing temperature
These results indicate increased collagen
stabilization caused by changes in the
macromolecular conformation
Periodontal ligament
Decreased numbers of fibroblasts and a
more irregular structure, paralleling the
changes in the gingival connective
The width of the space will decrease if
the tooth is unopposed (hypofunction) or
will increase with excessive occlusal
An increase in cemental width is a
common finding; this increase may be 5
to 10 times with increasing age
Greater apically and lingually
Alveolar bone
Spesific to the periodontium are finding
of a more irregular periodontal surface
of bone and less regular insertion of
collagen fibers
Bacterial plaque
Dentogingival plaque accumulation has
been suggested ti increase with age
Effects of aging on progression of
periodontal disease

Age has been suggested as

being not a true risk factor but
a background or an associated
factor for periodontitis

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