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Homo Erectus

Natalie Long, Sam Kalis, Carolyn Hayes

Species: Homo erectus

Geologic Time: 1.9 million- 300,000 years ago

Key Traits: Large brain size, parabolic jaw, small canines. Sagittal keel (not
crest) on top of the head, heavy brow bone, as tall as modern humans and
excellent biped
Homo erectus fossils show that the species lived in numerous locations around the globe, including South Africa,
Kenya, Spain, China, and Indonesia.

They had a similar range of body sizes to modern humans

Homo erectus is the first human ancestor to have similar limb and torso proportions to modern humans.

Analyses on the dental micro-wear and stable isotope chemistry of its fossils suggest they ate a fairly flexible and diverse
diet, which likely included a lot of animal protein
Cranial Height: 3.25 in.
Braincase Length: 6.75 in.
Total Skull Length: 8 in.
Canine Height: .5 in.
Palate Length: 3 in.

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