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Creative Writing project

Matthew Henry
Funny Chicken Poem Part One. Rhyme Scheme
One day there was a chicken that was walking through the woods. Born in
blood, he ended up in the hood. His mama didn't think he raised him the way
she thought she should, so he ended up being that little chicken who thought he
could. This little chicken thought he could be doing some thug shit but this little
bastard got his beak split. The black chicken said That's what you get for
talking shit. Too bad that only chicken just wanted to Get freaking lit! Later, that
chicken was coughing up blood, and that's what he gets for trying to be a thug.
If you would have known that he was in danger. He probably Would not mess
with that big fucking stranger.
Funny Chicken Poem Part Two.
There's one little chicken who is from the hood. he met this chick and he totally
should. He met this other chicken. Who thought she was hot, too bad she ended
up being a thought. She ran off with other chickens playing the game, but all she
ended up doing was put him to shame. Chicken with thug life is very lame.
Because that's not how it goes, it's going to be a certain way may. Mayne. He was
lost and confused, but he wasn't quite certain that the chicken on his mind was
going to hurt him. He played it safe as long as you could. But the little thug chicken
did what he could. He brought her one little day, to KFC not knowing it was a
chicken refinery. Little then, the little chick knows that tug chicken was a crack
head, bro. He slashed and dashed without a doubt. In the end, only fried chicken
came out. The turkeys ended up coming and taking him to The coup. In the end he
became thug chicken soup.
Short Story. Donald. T.
One little day there was a Viking. Who pillage lands. He didn't take anyone's crap and he took what he wanted. There
was no chance of anybody ever Getting to this guy. The man has no table manners and he run the seven seas paging
countries as he went along. This man's name happened to be Donald Trump. Everybody hated him. He did what he
wanted, he sat where he wanted and had zero table manners. Nobody knew who this guy was until he decided to run for
Viking president and which she was elected because he was super rich because he took what he wanted, he got the
election because nobody else was a solid contender and had as much spunk, and they were not as funny as this guy
ended up being. One day Donald Trump ended up meeting a young boy, the young boy just wanted to be his friend, but he
ended up just pushing him away like everybody else. The young boy followed him around for many moons. And he took out
his frustrations on him, even though the kid was just trying to be his friend. He tried to kill the poor Boy by throwing him off
the boat with an anchor tied to his legs. The boy ended up surviving. So maybe this Donald Trump eye had one little spark
in his heart in order to have at least one friend. I ended up going to a different country and seeing. Everybody that he
pillaged in the past, but this time he had a friend. Everyone in this country was completely baffled on how this guy would
even begin to have anybody who would ever even think about being his friend. The little country started to riot and try to
chase the little boy out because they thought that if he was this guy's friend than he must be just like him. Little? Did they
know the little boy was just curious because he had zero friends and he was just looking to have somebody to talk to. They
ended up getting them out of their country and they were on a boat, the boy was super sad because he had never had a
real friend in his life. But since he got ran out of that little country with somebody that was more of a friend then he could
have ever asked for. Since that happened, and he was so embarrassed and Trump thought that he was his only friend as
well. In Donald Trump's heart got 20 times bigger and it ended up exploding. Where he died and the little boy ended up
having zero friends for the rest of his life. Because who would want to be friends with Donald Trump.
Elgy. My Sad Beginning.
Once I was a young Boy not knowing which way I was going every turn I took was
the wrong one. I never thought I'd crawl out of this perilous hole of sadness.
Nothing ever brought my horrible day to an end. Depression was one of my worst
struggles. I could not get back on my feet, no matter how hard I tried. There was
only one person. One person who could help me in any way. That was my mom.
She turned the bad to good and did what she could. I attempted suicide a few
times and failed. But nothing in my life seemed to prevail. My soul was just an
ongoing curse that I never thought would end. The only way I thought I could and
was ending it myself. Everyone around me didn't know that I needed help. I am
was the only one I could speak to and everybody else was just there. I could
understand why couldn't find any help? But there was no way I could tell my mom.
The true way I was feeling because I knew that they would destroy her.
Elgy Part Two.

What do you do when there's nowhere to run to and nobody to talk to. The only
person you have to talk to is yourself. Your mind is telling you to hurt yourself and
do bad things. But you know you're better than that. Childhood is a hard thing to
understand. Especially when you can understand it yourself. Soon you try to
please others before you please yourself because you don't know how to please
yourself anymore. Its horrible it's a feeling that I just can not describe because it's
not a feeling that you can describe. Nowhere to run nowhere to hide. You end up
doing bad things because that's all you know how to do. Learn bad habits and
associate with bad people. Soon, bad things begin to happen and you end up
seeing the result of all of the mischief going on right in front of you. People
continue to say that you Should or shouldn't be a certain way and eventually,
people begin to shun you from the normal society. Most of us pull our heads out of
our ass and make it through. Sadly, some people don't.
La Riots of 1992.
The la riots of 1992 began when a black man was pulled out of his truck thrown on
the ground And beaten he was beaten and then the racist white people through a
brick at his face. Which caved it in. In turn caused riots on the streets. My dad told
me that he lived that life because he was driving through la in 1992, while the reds
are going on and he said that there were burning buildings in the highways were
clear of traffic. These are massive highways at least five lanes wide he said he has
never seen anything like it at the time because that was a huge city and nobody
wanted to go even close to it. Police brutality began to get even crazier because
nobody could be controlled. Not even police were going Into la at the time. This is
also know as the Los Angeles uprising.
La Riots of 1992.
The riots were sparked from the Rodney king trial in 1992. Rodney king was in a
police chase Along the foothill freeway In Los Angeles one king resisted arrest. He
was brutally beaten by all the police officers. They even smacked him in the face
with the billy clubs. They continued to attack with tasers and batons. Clearly, this
guy was a imobile, but they just continued to beat the shit out of him. One of the
locals caught it on tape and sent it to the news. The footage of the brutal attack
sparked anger in the citizens in which they decided to start destroying everything.
None of the officers who were involved got any charges so that sparked it even
further. The district attorney even had to leave because it was so bad. The jury
acquitted all the officers of charges.
La Riots of 1992.
There is even one point where my dad said that they tried to steal his car. He was
just trying to go to work at the time where he had to commute through the city. He
said he was fine as long as he drove far away from The mobs. He said from the
job site where he was working on an amusement park they were destroying cars
that were not inside the gated parking lot. Luckily he did not get hurt and Stay
away from all that mumbo jumbo. He said he worked with a guy that was actually
in One of the mobs. At some point, they said that the guy stole a police car and
crash it into the side of a building. He said that the reason was because that they
destroyed his car too. Not the police but just crazy people. The reasoning behind
the police car thing was because the police were not doing anything about what
was going on over there because it was so bad and being a police officer was just
a target.
My dad told me most about what was going on at the time. Also you tubed. The la riots of 1992. I heard about it
on the news and I found this interesting. So I decided to write a report about it. They spoke a lot about what was
going on back in 1992. In LA.

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