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TOCATIMBRE #1 7/9/16

Espaol II

Da las reglas de pronunciacin para

las siguientes letras.
1. c
2. j
3. h
4. d
TOCATIMBRE #2 8/9/16
Espaol II

Da las reglas de pronunciacin para

las siguientes letras.
1. g
2. q
3. ll
TOCATIMBRE #1 8/9/16
Espaol I

Based on the Survival Phrases we got

yesterday, do the following questions
and answers make sense?
1. Puedo hablar en ingls?
Se me olvid.
2. Cmo se dice "Miss" en espaol?
Se dice "Seorita".
3. Puedo ir al bao? - S.
4. Puedo tomar agua?
No comprendo.
Espaol II

Copy the following Look up any

words you dont know.
Quin es?
Es hombre. Es superhroe y
tambin es periodista. Es muy
simptico. Tiene pelo moreno.
Puede volar. Lleva un traje azul,
rojo, y amarillo.
TOCATIMBRE #2 12/9/16
Espaol I

Copy the following Spanish pronunciation rules:

1.The letter C Sounds like an S in front of the soft
vowels E and I, and sounds like a K in front of the hard
vowels A, O, and U.
2.The letter D sounds like th in the English word
the when it comes between vowels or at the end of
the word.
3.The letter G sounds like the English letter H in front
of the vowels E and I, but sounds like the G in the word
Good in front of A, O, and U.
4.The letter H is ALWAYS silent, even if it is in the
middle of a word.
Espaol II

Take the worksheet P-1/P-2 from

the front of the room and work on
completing it.
TOCATIMBRE #3 13/9/16
Espaol I

Copy the following Spanish

pronunciation rules:
1. The letter J always sounds like an English H.
2. The double LL Always sounds like Y.
3. The letter sounds like the ni in the word
ONION (or like ny in nyah nyah.
4. The letter Q sounds like the letter K and will
always be followed by a silent U.
Que is pronounced kay
Qui is pronounced key
5. The letter Z always sounds like an S.
Espaol II

Answer with a complete sentence in

Spanish with at least 2 adjectives:
1. Cmo eres?
2. Cmo es tu mejor amigo/a?
3. Cmo es tu madre (o padre o
hermano/a, etc)?
4. Cmo son tus amigos en
TOCATIMBRE #4 14/9/16
Espaol I

Copy the following Spanish pronunciation

1.Words that end in a vowel, an S, or an N, will be stressed
on the SECOND TO LAST syllable.
baNAna, limoNAda, eSPAa
2.Words that end in any consonant other than S or N will
be stressed on the LAST syllable.
dibuJAR, coMER, verDAD
3.If a word does not follow the above two rules, it will have
a written accent mark above the vowel in the stressed
syllable. So if you see an accent mark ()above a vowel,
that is the syllable you emphasize!
cancin, slaba, televisin
Espaol II

Draw and fill in the charts with

the regular present-tense verb

-o - -o - -o -
amo emo imo
s s s
-as -is -es -is -es -s
-a -an -e -en -e -en
TOCATIMBRE #5 15/9/16
Espaol I

Copy the following words, and using the

rules of pronunciation, try to pronounce
them correctly:
1. mejor (better) 8. pequeo (small)
2. necesario 9. imposible
3. cualquier (any) 10. popular
4. nico 11. fcil (easy)
5. humano 12. demasiado
6. joven (young) (too much)
7. especial
Espaol II

Answer with a complete sentence

in Spanish:
1. Qu haces en el invierno?
2. Qu haces en el verano?
3. Dnde est tu restaurante
Espaol I

Qu hora es? (write the time as

1. Son las tres menos veinte.
2. Son las ocho y dieciocho.
3. Son las once y doce.
4. Es la una menos veintinueve.
5. Es la una y cuarto.
6. Son las cinco y media.
Espaol II

Actividad 21
en pgina 12
en el libro
Espaol I

Write the numbers as Spanish

1. 78
2. 89
3. 46
4. 37
5. 91
6. 23
TOCATIMBRE (No #) 21/9/16
Espaol II

Take a bubble sheet and the

Spanish Pronunciation Quiz
Dont freak out, it is not a quiz
Dont write on the question
Put name and period number on
answer sheet
Complete and turn in
Espaol I

Copy the sentences and fill in the

blanks with a word that makes sense:
1. Hola, Sr. Diaz, cmo est ______?
2. Hola, buenos _______ !
3. ________ bien, gracias.
4. Cmo _________? (asking for name)
5. ___________ Sara. Y t?
Espaol II

Give the 6 conjugated forms of

the following verbs in the present
1. to have
Take out
2. to do/to make
your vocab list
3. to put
4. to bring
Act 1, 2, 3
to be checked
TOCATIMBRE #9 27/9/16
Espaol I

Answer w/ a Spanish sentence:

1. Qu quiere decir cuaderno?
2. Cmo se dice folder en
3. Cuntos estudiantes hay en la
Take out your
4. Cmo se escribe tu nombre en
espaol? worksheet and
Act 3 p 11 to be
TOCATIMBRE (No #) 28/9/16
Espaol II

Take the handouts from the

WS 1A-A/1A-B
Vocab Captulo 1A
Both are due tomorrow
First you need to finish
your poem if not done
TOCATIMBRE (No #) 28/9/16
Espaol I

Take the worksheet P-8 from

the front and complete it
Reminder: if you owe me
homework that was
incomplete or because you
were absent, you need to
show it to me to get credit!
TOCATIMBRE #9 29/9/16
Espaol II

Complete Act 4 - part 1 on

p 22 using your new vocab.

Take out your

worksheet and
vocab to be
TOCATIMBRE #10 29/9/16
Espaol I

Complete Act 10 on
p 16 using your vocab.
If you havent
already, read the
Exploracin del
lenguaje and
Fondo Cultural
boxes on p 13
TOCATIMBRE #11 3/10/16
Espaol I

Unscramble the Spanish name

for the season and then give the
English translation:
1. aaprrimev Take out the
2. ooot
worksheet Act 7
3. veoiinrn
and 8 to be
4. veonra checked.
TOCATIMBRE #10 4/10/16
Espaol II

Complete Act 6 - part 1 on

p 23 using the chapter 1A

-Vocab quiz on
-Toca check Friday!
TOCATIMBRE #12 4/10/16
Espaol I

Copy the Spanish term and write the English

translation WITHOUT looking at your vocab list:
1. el bolgrafo
2. el lpiz
3. el pupitre
4. el profesor
5. el da
6. el libro
7. el mes
8. la carpeta
9. la profesora hoja de papel
TOCATIMBRE #13 6/10/16
Espaol I

Answer the questions with a

complete sentence in Spanish:
1. Cmo te llamas?
2. Qu da es hoy?
3. Cul es la fecha?
4. Qu tiempo hace?
5. Cuntos pupitres hay en la
sala de clases?
TOCATIMBRE No # 11/10/16
Espaol II

On a separate piece of paper, answer

the following questions, to be turned in:
1. What is a verb?
2. What is an infinitive? How do you
identify one? What does it mean?
3. What does it mean to conjugate a
verb in Spanish? How many forms
are there? How do you know what
form to use in a sentence?
TOCATIMBRE #14 11/10/16
Espaol I

Complete Act 5 on p
30 (write the
complete sentence)
TOCATIMBRE #11 12/10/16
Espaol II

Conjugate the stem-

changing verb
TOCATIMBRE #15 12/10/16
Espaol I

Copy the sentence and write the

English translation:
1. Me gusta mucho escribir
2. No me gusta ni correr ni
practicar deportes.
3. Qu te gusta ms, bailar o
escuchar msica?
TOCATIMBRE #12 13/10/16
Espaol II

Translate to Spanish:
1. The students repeat the words.
2. I understand the homework.
3. We ask for help in math class.
4. They play football on Fridays.
5. She prefers to arrive on time.
6. You (t) plan to write the report
TOCATIMBRE #16 14/10/16
Espaol I

Copy the Trabalenguas and then try

to pronounce it; refer to your
pronunciation rules if necessary!:
Cuando cuentes cuentos,
cuenta cuntos cuentos
cuentas, porque si no
cuentas cuntos cuentos
cuentas, nunca sabrs
cuntos cuentos cuentas t.
TOCATIMBRE #13 17/10/16
Espaol II

Give the six conjugated forms of

the following verbs in Spanish:
1. to lose
2. to eat lunch
3. to ask for
TOCATIMBRE #17 17/10/16
Espaol I

Answer the question with a full

sentence in Spanish:
1. Qu te gusta hacer en el verano?
2. Qu te gusta hacer en el
3. Qu te gusta hacer en casa?
4. Qu te gusta hacer en la
TOCATIMBRE #14 18/10/16
Espaol II

Conjugate the stem-

changing verb
TOCATIMBRE #18 18/10/16
Espaol I

Copy English and translate to

1. What do you like better, running or
2. I really like to read and write
3. Do you like to use the phone?
4. I do not like to listen to the news
(las noticias) at all.
TOCATIMBRE #15 20/10/16
Espaol II

Copy English and translate to

1. I repeat some words.
2. They do not understand anything.
3. We do not like to give speeches
or to write reports.
4. He never eats lunch in the
cafeteria either.
TOCATIMBRE #19 20/10/16
Espaol I

Copy English and give the Spanish infinitive:

1. to read
2. to spend (pass)
3. to talk
4. to run
5. to ride
6. to use
7. to write
8. to listen (to)
9. to watch (see) work
TOCATIMBRE #16 21/10/16
Espaol II

Copy Spanish and translate to

1. Nunca corrojams.
2. Ella pide algunos libros.
3. No pienso correr nunca tampoco.
4. Alguien quien almuerza en la sala
de clases, deja migas en el
TOCATIMBRE #20 25/10/16
Espaol I

From your textbook,

complete p 33 Act 11
(Note: for the verbs, write the
English and the Spanish that
you look up)
TOCATIMBRE #17 26/10/16
Espaol II

Based on the handout you got

yesterday, correct the following
1. Mi favorita clase es la clase de
2. Hablando espaol es fcil.
3. Es no bueno.
TOCATIMBRE #21 27/10/16
Espaol I

Answer with a complete sentence

in Spanish:
1. Qu da es hoy?
2. Cul es la fecha?
3. Qu tiempo hace?
TOCATIMBRE #18 14/11/16
Espaol II

Define the following words in

English and explain when you
would use each one (and where
they go in the chart):
1. t
2. usted (Ud.)
3. vosotros
4. ustedes (Uds.)
TOCATIMBRE #22 14/11/16
Espaol I

Copy the sentences and translate

to English (use your vocab list and
the notes sheet):
1. Somos inteligentes.
2. Ella es estudiosa.
3. Eres talentoso.
4. Ellos son impacientes.
TOCATIMBRE #19 15/11/16
Espaol II

Copy and give the Spanish

1. my pencils
2. his book
3. our pencil sharpener
4. your (s.i.) class
TOCATIMBRE #23 15/11/16
Espaol I

Copy the sentences and translate

to Spanish (use your vocab list and
the notes sheet):
1. We are patient.
2. He is good.
3. She is daring.
4. They (all girls) are hard-
TOCATIMBRE #20 21/11/16
Espaol II

Which syllable do we stress in the

following words and why?:
1. lpiz
2. borrador
3. gomas
4. ahora
5. televisin
TOCATIMBRE #24 21/11/16
Espaol I

Give the correct form of Spanish

the to agree with the following
1. comida (f.s.)
2. perros (
3. pavo (m.s.)
4. patatas (
TOCATIMBRE #21 29/11/16
Espaol II

Copy the following Navidad Skit

Groups of (min.)3 to (max.)6
Each group member must have a minimum of 10
lines of 3 or more words.
Lines must be at least partially memorized (only
minimal use of scripts allowed during presentation)
Must use a minimum of 5 props
Must be set at Christmastime and in some way
related to Christmas
Skit will be graded on the above requirements and
comprehensibility only!
Due Tuesday, December 20th
TOCATIMBRE #25 29/11/16
Espaol I

Use the vocab and notes sheet to

answer the following questions
with the correct form of the verb
ser and at least one adjective:
1. Cmo eres?
2. Cmo es tu mejor amigo (best
3. Cmo es tu profesor de
Espaol III/AP 29/11/16
Copy the following Navidad Skit
You can work in two groups of 4 or one group of
Each group member must have a minimum of 12
lines of 4 or more words.
Lines must be at least partially memorized (only
minimal use of scripts allowed during
Must use a minimum of 5 props
Must be set at Christmastime and in some way
related to Christmas
Skit will be graded on the above requirements
and comprehensibility only!
Due Tuesday, December 20th
TOCATIMBRE #26 5/12/16
Espaol I
Write down the subject pronoun and form of
ser for each subject given.
1. Katia ella es
2. Mis amigos y yo nosotros somos
3. Los estudiantes ellos son
4. Usted Ud. es
5. T t eres
6. Raymundo y Eduardo ellos son
7. Isabel y t (Spain) vosotros/as sois
8. Juan y usted Uds. son
9. Yo yo soy
10.Pablo l es
TOCATIMBRE #27 7/12/16
Espaol I

Explain in English and give

1.What is a subject?
2.What is a subject pronoun?
3.What is a verb?
4.What is an adjective?
TOCATIMBRE #22 7/12/16
Espaol II

Copy the following sentence.

There are at least four possible
English translations. You need
to write at least three of them:
1. Yo caminaba a la casa de mi
amiga despus de la escuela.

(Hint: Use your imperfect notes)

TOCATIMBRE #28 8/12/16
Espaol I

Copy and translate to Spanish (use the

verb ser handout with the adjectives).
1.Yall (inf. Spain) are hardworking.
2.They (fem) are brunette.
3.We are sensitive.
4.She is blond.
5.He is rich.
6.I am unsociable.
7.You (s. inf) are rude.
TOCATIMBRE #23 13/12/16
Espaol II

Translate to Spanish:
1. We used to dance.
2. He was speaking.
3. They would go to school
every day.
4. You (s.i.) used to be short.
5. I was opening the door.
TOCATIMBRE #29 13/12/16
Espaol I

Copy and translate to English.

1.Es el libro de mi madre.
2.Es la silla del profesor.
3.Son los lpices de los
4.Es la casa de mi amigo.
TOCATIMBRE #30 14/12/16
Espaol I

Copy and translate to Spanish

(use yesterdays notes).
1.We (mixed group) are tired.
2.Yall (inf. Spain) are sad.
3.They (all girls) are bored.
4.I am (however you are feeling
TOCATIMBRE #31 15/12/16
Espaol I
Copy and fill in the chart with the six
conjugated forms of the verb ser and each
forms English translation(s).
Perso SER Singular SER - Plural
sing. meanings plural meanings



TOCATIMBRE #24 19/12/16
Espaol II

Conjugate the following verbs

in the imperfect tense:
1. to dance
2. to see
3. to do
4. to be
TOCATIMBRE #32 19/12/16
Espaol I
Copy and fill in the chart with the six
conjugated forms of the verb estar and each
forms English translation(s).
Perso ESTAR Singular ESTAR - Plural
sing. meanings plural meanings



(To the tune of Jingle Bells)

Cmo how
Cundo when
Cunto is how much
Dnde where u e
orq ord
) P
Por qu is why
o new n
all out a
wit nt.
Porque is because acc

Qu is what
Cul is which
Quin is who or whom
A qu hora at what time
TOCATIMBRE #25 3/1/17
Espaol II

Conjugate the following verbs in

the imperfect tense:
1. to visit
2. to write
3. to eat
4. to be (ser)
5. to see
6. to go
TOCATIMBRE #33 3/1/17
Espaol I

Copy and Translate to English:

1. El libro est debajo del
2. Los estudiantes estn en la
3. Estamos preocupados.
4. Estoy cerca de la puerta.
TOCATIMBRE #35 27/1/17
Espaol I

What do the following acronyms stand for and which

verb do they go with?

TOCATIMBRE #36 30/1/17
Espaol I

Give the Spanish translation of the

following phrases (the infinitive of
the verb is supplied):
1. I am walking (caminar)
2. yall (inf) are dancing (bailar)
3. we are watching (mirar)
4. you (inf) are eating (comer)
5. he is describing (describir)
6. they are living (vivir)
TOCATIMBRE #37 1/2/17
Espaol I

Answer in a complete sentence

in Spanish (review mostly):
1. Cul es la fecha de hoy?
2. Qu da es hoy?
3. Cmo ests?
4. Qu ests haciendo?
TOCATIMBRE #38 2/2/17
Espaol I

Copy and translate to English:

1. Estamos haciendo el
2. Ests bailando.
3. l est tocando la guitarra.
4. Ellos estn hablando espaol.
5. Estoy estudiando francs.
TOCATIMBRE #39 3/2/17
Espaol I

Answer the following:

1. Conjugate the verb estar (Give
the six forms in order)
2. What do we use the present
progressive tense for?
3. How do you form the present
participle (changed from the
TOCATIMBRE #40 6/2/17
Espaol I

Translate to Spanish:
1. I am speaking Spanish.
2. She is reading a book.
3. The students are writing a
4. We are not studying now.
TOCATIMBRE #26 10/2/17
Espaol II

Conjugate the following verbs

in the imperfect AND the
preterit tense:
1. to talk
2. to eat
3. to live
TOCATIMBRE #41 22/2/17
Espaol I

Translate to Spanish:
1. We listen to the teacher.
2. He sees the book on the desk.
3. They open the door for (para)
the dog.
TOCATIMBRE #42 27/2/17
Espaol I

Give the six present-tense

conjugated forms of the
following verbs:
1. ser
2. estar
3. ir
TOCATIMBRE #27 1/3/17
Espaol II

Review: Answer in complete

1. Cmo te llamas?
2. Cuntos aos tienes?
3. Qu te gusta hacer en tu
tiempo libre?
4. Cul es la fecha hoy?
5. Qu da es hoy?
6. Qu tiempo hace?
TOCATIMBRE #43 1/3/17
Espaol I

Copy and translate to Spanish:

1. Lupe is going to call her friend.
2. I am going to go to the movies.
3. We are going to write a story.
4. They are going to read a book.
TOCATIMBRE #28 2/3/17
Espaol II

Copy and translate to Spanish:

1. I saw him.
2. We saw them. (fem.)
3. You saw her.
4. He saw you. (sing.
TOCATIMBRE #44 2/3/17
Espaol I

Give the three possible

English translations for the
following phrases (copy the
1. comes
2. ella habla
3. abrimos
4. ellos llegan
TOCATIMBRE #45 7/3/17
Espaol I

Copy and translate to Spanish:

1. I just did the homework.
2. I am doing the homework right
3. I do the homework.
4. I am going to do the
5. I have to do the homework.
TOCATIMBRE #46 8/3/17
Espaol I

Copy and translate to Spanish:

1. You just opened the door.
2. You are opening the door right
3. You open the door.
4. You are going to open the door.
5. You have to open the door.
(use singular informal you for all of the
TOCATIMBRE #47 20/3/17
Espaol I

Copy and translate to

Spanish:que ir a la escuela.
1. Vamos
We have a ir
to go to a la
2. Vamos
We are going a la
to go to school.
3. Acabamos
We areescuela.deschool.
going to ir a la
4. We just escuela.
went to yendo
5. We a lagoing
are escuela ahora
to school right
now. mismo.
TOCATIMBRE #29 22/3/17
Espaol II

Copy the original sentence and

rewrite it using a direct and/or
indirect object pronoun:
1. Veo a mi amiga.
2. l pone el libro en la mesa.
3. Ella dijo la verdad a
4. Haces una tarta para m.
TOCATIMBRE #30 23/3/17
Espaol II

Copy the sentence and translate

to Spanish:
1. We see them (m.).
2. He gives it (f.) to her.
3. I say it (m.) to you (s.inf.).

(ver = to see, dar = to give, decir = to

TOCATIMBRE #48 23/3/17
Espaol I

Conjugate the verbs ser

and estar, give their
and then give the acronym
for when we use each and
what the acronym stands for.
TOCATIMBRE #49 24/3/17
Espaol I

Copy and translate to

1. We are very hungry.
2. She is very sleepy.
3. I am thirsty.
4. They are in a hurry.
TOCATIMBRE #31 27/3/17
Espaol II

Copy the chart and fill in the

DOPs: Spanish English Spanish
me us

you you
him, it, them (m),
you formal you plural
(m) formal (m)
her, it, you them (f),
formal (f) you plural
formal (f)
TOCATIMBRE #50 27/3/17
Espaol I

Copy and translate to Spanish:

1. I have a headache.
2. They are afraid of the dark (la
3. You (s.i.) are afraid of dancing
in public (en pblico).
4. The dog feels like eating the
TOCATIMBRE #51 28/3/17
Espaol I

Write an ORIGINAL sentence

(not one from yesterday)
with the following verb
1. tener dolor de (body part)
2. tener miedo de (noun)
3. tener miedo de (infinitive)
4. tener ganas de (infinitive)
TOCATIMBRE #52 29/3/17
Espaol I

Copy and translate to English!

1. Voy a tener en cuenta que no
tienes la tarea.
2. Tenemos mucha sed.
3. La pelcula tiene lugar en
4. Tienes vergenza cuando no
lees las direcciones.
TOCATIMBRE #32 29/3/17
Espaol II

Copy the chart and fill in the

IOPs: Spanish English Spanish
(singular) (singular) (plural) (plural)
to/for me to/for us

to/for you to/for you

(familiar) (familiar)

to/for: him, to/for:

her, you them, you
(formal) (formal)
TOCATIMBRE #53 12/4/17
Espaol I

Write a tag question, a s/no

question, and information
seeking question for the
following statement:
Los estudiantes estudian
espaol en la biblioteca
despus de las clases con sus
amigos porque tienen un
examen maana.
TOCATIMBRE #54 17/4/17
Espaol I

Write a tag question, a s/no

question, and information
seeking question for the
following statement:
Srta. Shalata est frustrada
cuando los estudiantes no
Give ALL command forms of the following
verbs in both the affirmative and the
negative (t, Ud., Uds., and nosotros
forms). On a separate sheet of paper.
darles comerlo
dormirse (o- sentarse (e-
ue) ie)
empezarla (e- tocarlo
ie) estar
TOCATIMBRE #55 18/4/17
Espaol I

Copy the following and

translate to English:

De quin es el libro?
Es el libro de Paco.
TOCATIMBRE #56 20/4/17
Espaol I

Answer with a complete

Spanish sentence:
1. Cul es tu nombre?
2. Cuntos aos tienes?
3. Cundo es tu
4. Tienes hambre?
TOCATIMBRE #33 25/4/17
Espaol II

Give the t command form for

the following:
1. Write!
2. Repeat!
3. Sit down! (sentarse)
4. Stand up! (levantarse)
TOCATIMBRE #57 26/4/17
Espaol I

Answer with a complete

Spanish sentence:
1. Qu piensas hacer
despus de clases hoy?
2. Qu quieres hacer este
fin de semana?
3. A qu hora empiezas a
hacer la tarea, en general?
TOCATIMBRE #34 26/4/17
Espaol II

Give the t command form for

the following:
1. Speak!
2. Dance!
3. Drink!
4. Sleep!
5. Go to sleep! (dormirse)
TOCATIMBRE #58 27/4/17
Espaol I

Conjugate the following

stem-changing verbs (chart
with boot):
1. temblar (e-ie)
2. soar (o-ue)
3. seguir (e-i)
TOCATIMBRE #35 27/4/17
Espaol II

Give the t command form for

the following:
1. Tell me!
2. Put it (m) on the table!
3. Do the homework!
4. Be smart!
TOCATIMBRE #59 28/4/17
Espaol I

Translate to Spanish. Use the

packet!!! (all from the e-ie
1. You (s.i.) begin
2. They refer
3. He governs
4. She defends
5. We understand
TOCATIMBRE #36 1/5/17
Espaol II

Give the negative t command

form for the following:
1. Dont tell me!
2. Dont put it (m) on the
3. Dont do the homework!
4. Dont be stupid!
TOCATIMBRE #60 1/5/17
Espaol I

Translate to Spanish. Use the

packet!!! (from e-i and o-ue
1. You (s.i.) can
2. They repeat
3. He toasts
4. She says
5. We approve
TOCATIMBRE #61 3/5/17
Espaol I
Copy the sentences/Translate to the opposite language
you will need the vocab list AND dictionaries!!!!
1. Comenzamos a hablar espaol ahora.
2. Consigo buenas notas en la clase de ingls.
3. Los amigos almuerzan juntos en la cafetera.
4. La chica devuelve la camisa a la tienda porque es
demasiado pequea.
5. T pruebas a hacer el tocatimbre sin usar tus apuntes.
6. You can understand the lesson if you try.
7. We compete in the Olympic Games every (each) four
8. Do you remember what we have to study for the
Spanish test?
9. My friends are coming to my party on Saturday.
10.I love my cat, but he wants to eat when I want to sleep.
lunes, el 8 de mayo:
Turn in your completed packet to the class
drawer in the back.
The De colores recording has been
canceled due to unforeseen technical
Tocatimbre #62: Conjugate the following
verbs from your vocab list:
to think
to ask for
to remember
martes, el 9 de mayo:
Tocatimbre #63: Conjugate the
following verbs from your vocab list:
1. to prefer
2. to correct
3. to find
mircoles, el 10 de mayo:
Tocatimbre #64: Conjugate the
following verbs from your vocab list:
1. to eat lunch
2. to repeat
3. to lose
4. to compete
5. to return (person to place)

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