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Demigod in the Greek mythology.

King Acrisius had a daughter Danae.
The Oracle told to king.
He locked to Danae on a tower.
Zeus appear on the small window of the tower.
I am a God and I wish to make you my wife.
The fisherman caught the chest.
Perseus grew up to become a strong young man.
Perseus set forth on is adventured, searching for the Gorgon Medusa.
they give to him a winged sandals and a shield.
He went to cave where were a three woman with a single eye named
He should find a cap of darkness.
He fight with Medusa and won.
He cut her head.
He went back to Argos.
In Argos he save to Andromeda.
He use the head of medusa.
He marry with she.
They died and wen to to sky like star.

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