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Neighboorhood: Bairro
Spirituality: Espiritualidade
Freedom: Liberdade
Doortrait: Retrato de uma porta
To go with the flow: Ir com a multido / fluxo / mar
To own something: Saber o que est fazendo
To chronicle: Contar uma histria
To hammer: Esculpir
1. Each person in the article has a reason for taking pictures of doors.
Why does Tamara Yurovsky take the pictures?
2. What do Martha Reyes and Katie Smith do in their Instagram
3. According to the text, who were the first artists to portray doors?
4. What is the name of the man who took more than 3,000 photos of
Manhattan doors in the 70s?
5. What do doors represent in Mr. Alriyamis opinion?
6. Do the photographers worry about house owners? Why?
Choose one of the doors from the picture and write a paragraph
about the person who lives there. Imagine his/her name, profession,
hobbies, daily routine etc.

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