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Justification of Final Idea
Our idea

I think that our ident idea is simply but very effective and we hope that our ident will
be liked and successful. We start our ident like a normal commuter so showing the
train, tube and bus journeys that we will be taking to get up to London, when then
plan to have some slow-mo shots of the escalators and also in a around the tube
stations. When will get a lot of long and mid shots of the different surrounding at the
locations that were at. The reason that we have chosen this idea is because London Is
the number one city in England and showing what a normal person would go through
in everyday life and what this would see on their journey. We would finally finish off
with the BBC1 logo inside the London eye as this is a big land mark of London.
The reason in which we have chosen to do our ident in London is because the BBC1 is
set in London and it has loads of key land marks that we can feature in our ident.
How does it link to BBC- Our ident links into the BBC 1 because its showing you
around London and shows you the busy life style of people in London.

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