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Presentation Skills
Presentation Defined

What is a Presentation ???

Management is the art of getting things done.
A presentation is a fast and potentially effective
method of getting things done through other
In managing any project, presentations are
used as a formal method for bringing people
together to plan, monitor and review its
Objectives of Communication

• Not the Transmission, but the Reception

• Geared to the Audience, NOT the Speaker
• A Presentation is a Total Failure if the Audience
fail to Understand
• Or are not persuaded of its Merits
Objectives of Communication

In short a Customers’ tour is a

Waste of Time if they leave without
realising the Full Worth of your
Product /Effort …
Objectives of Communication

Therefore …
The objective of Communication
is to make your message
Setting Objectives

S pecific
M easurable
A chievable
R esult Oriented
T ime Bound
Planning a Presentation

The Five P’s of a Perfect Presentation :


 Research the audience

 Devise the presentation
 Organize presentation aids
 Check the venue
 Rehearse
 Ready yourself
 Grab attention
 Explain who you are
 Establish credibility
 Make people smile or laugh
 Reassure them
 Alert them to something
 Make people angry, excited, pleased or
Use the Highway Code of: Stop!, Breathe,
Look, Listen, Feel.
At the start take a few deep breaths.
In a small group make eye contact with
each person.
With a large audience make eye contact
with one or two people, look for a familiar
face or someone appearing to smile to you
Atthe start of the presentation ask yourself
“what do I observe right now?”
Take time to wait for that special moment
when everything seems ready for your
energy and contribution.
Keep up the energy levels and vary your
quality of expression, loudness of voice, face
and body language, and timing.
Passion is an absolutely essential
ingredient of a perfect presentation.
Feelings - not facts, move people.
Must have the carefulness about the
presentation subject.
Identify the key passions in the presentation
Express key passions in a single sentence
Make the audience really care about the
presentation subject.
Come over at first impression to the
Use your unique personality to make
an impact to the audience
Express your WHOLE self, to be a
better presenter
Make sure your appearance is an
expression of who you are
The best jokes are situations and
stories drawn from your personal
 Use humor where appropriate.
Tips on being a Good Presenter
Improve body language
Avoid presentation obstacles
Ensure proper use of visual aids
KISS - Keep It Short and Simple
When you have made your
point….Full Stop!
Obtaining feedback on what you have
done (ask questions)
Tips on being a Good Presenter

Never blame the Audience

Use Light House technique
Use of PAMPERS to enhance voice
Tips on being a Good Presenter

P rojection
A rticulation
M odulation
P ronunciation
E nunciation
R epetition
S peed
Coping when things go WRONG !!
Don’t panic! Often your audience may not
even know that something has gone wrong.
Take time to breathe and consider what to do
Focus on purpose or concentrate on the
overall reason for your presentation to make
less error in presentation.
Trust yourself or be confident about the
presented subject. Allow your natural
creativity to take wing.
Coping when things go WRONG !!
Use Humour – this can often be a
lifesaver for all kinds of presentation
Stay present. Be aware of what is
happening around you so that you can
respond against the unexpected
Tell the truth to the audience.
Coping when things go WRONG !!

Involve the audience in tackling the

Risk. All presentations are a risk. If
you have been in a situation learn from
it and move on.
Questions ???
Thank You …

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