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Noodles are a very delicious meal,

there are reds and greens. However,
this time we will give you the recipe
for green noodles.

1 kilo of noodles (noodles)

1/2 cup of evaporated milk.
250 grams of basil leaves.
1/2 kilo of spinach leaves.
1/4 cup chopped walnuts.
1/2 cup of oil.
300 gr of fresh cheese.
Salt to taste

To begin you must cook the noodles in abundant water with salt, once
they are ready, drain them and place them in the pot.
Now, to prepare the green sauce we must put to boil in a pot water and
put to boil the leaves of spinach for 1 minute. Remove spinach leaves
and drain.
Fry the basil leaves in a lightly frying pan. Put the leaves of the basil,
spinach, milk, cheese and salt to liquefy until you get a thick cream.

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