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Oral Sulaiman Dawood

What is Depression?
 Sadness is a normal reaction to loss, life's struggles
or an injured self-esteem.

 Feelings of intense sadness -- including

helplessness, hopelessness, and worthlessness
lasting for days to weeks that refrain us from
functioning normally, can be something more than
 According to WHO,
depression would be
the worlds largest
disease apart from
cardiac problems in
What does depression do?

 Disrupts relationships
 Interferes with work & daily activities
 Causes Irritability
 Lack of concentration
1. Low Self Esteem
2. Suicidal Thoughts
3. Loss of interest
4. Fatigue
5. Change in appetite
6. Sleep disturbances
7. Apathy
8. Sexual Problems
 The symptoms of depression are not gender based

 Their expressions however are!

 In women, depression causes
 Sadness
 Sloppiness

 On the other hand, men react being

 Aggressive
 Hostile
 Irritable
Depression in Men

 Once considered a ‘woman’s disease’

 This taboo keep many men, suffering

from clinical or chronic depression;
away from seeking treatment.

 Fact: Depression affects both men and

Why is depression
not commonly recognized in

The biggest problem that
men face is accepting

Cultural Expectations
 Men are supposed to be
 Successful
 Rein in their emotions
 Be in control

 These three common cultural tendencies easily mask

depression in men

 Aggression & Anger helps them in maintaining the

image of a ‘tough guy’
Is a stigma
attached to male
Yes & Generally
Men Have A
Hard Time
Dealing With It
 Some common triggers that affect men generally
causing depression to various degrees.

 Aging
 Increased stress
 Loss of self esteem
 Loss of a family member, loved one or friend
 Illness & Health problems
 Lack of support
Dealing with Grief
 Dealing with grief is the most toughest of situations
men can face in their lives.

 The question is

How do they do it?

Poor coping strategies

 Drinking
 Smoking
 Silence
 Avoidance
 Suppression of grief
 Taking responsibility of circumstances

 Escalating Anger
 Extreme Aggressiveness
 Substance Abuse
 Suicide
 Self mutilation
 Risk taking compulsive attitudes
 Addiction
Physical Symptoms
 Physical symptoms of grief and stress include:

 Increased cholesterol level

 Ulcers
 High blood pressure
 Muscular pain
 Digestion problems
Consequences of Untreated Depression

 Depression when remain un treated can devastate a

person’s life.

 Men are four times more likely to commit suicide

than women !

 And they end up using more lethal methods of

ending up their lives - - - successfully.
 The treatment of depression depends on the type of
depression a person is suffering from.

 Psychotherapy
 Anti Depressants
Play your part!
 If you think that someone you know is suffering
from prevailing sadness and is showing some of the
most common symptoms expressed above, then it’s
time you should provide some help.

 A friend, loved one or family support is by all

means a better option than going to a doctor or
taking the ‘happy pills’ to feel better.

“One Man Can

Make A

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