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Describe the proper

application and removal of

protective garments for
clean and sterile field
Mark kenneth
Jessa joy
Application of Protective Garments

The caregiver may need to be protected from the patient, or the patient
may need to be protected from the caregiver.
Its likely protective clothing will be required.
When the patient is in protective isolation, the garment application
sequence is extremely critical, but the garment removal sequence is less
When caregiver is to be protected from the patient, the garment removal
sequence is extremely critical
Closed Glove Technique for Asepsis
The technique used to reduce the possibility of glove contamination when
glove are being applied.

Open Glove Technique for Asepsis

In the closed glove technique is impractical or undesirable it has a greater
potential for glove contamination.
Removal of Contaminated Protective
If possible remove frequently contaminated garments without assistance
after treatment of a patient for whom you had to use contact isolation
To protect yourself do not touch any area of your body. (skin, eyes or hair )
with gloved hands.
You should remove your gloves without touching their outer surface with an
ungloved hand.
Remember to perform proper hygiene techniques before you apply and
after you remove your protective clothing.
Some of precautions you should follow
when you treat a patient who is in
protective isolation are as follow
Apply the protective clothing carefully and follow the provided
recommendations for their application.
Avoid causing excessive air currents in the patients room; move slowly and
arrange linen or equipment carefully.
Do not enter the patients room with protective clothing or equipment that
has been worn to treat other patients in other area of the hospital-you may
bring microorganisms to patients environment
Clothing Application for Aseptic
Wash your hands as describe previously for medical asepsis.
Apply cap, but avoid touching your hair as much as possible, cover your
Apply mask, handling it by its ties or edges. Position the metal or plastic
band of the mask to your nose,
Avoid touching your neck or cap as you tie the mask
Open the outer package open the outer package of sterile disposable
gown and the sterile gloves and place them on the table or on the table
with approximate height of your waist.
wash your hands as for surgical asepsis, dry your hands thoroughly and
avoid touching your clothing, or any object with the washed area of your
Clothing Application for Aseptic
Isolation contd
Grasp the center of the gown with one hand, pick it up and allow it to
unfold without touching your body clothing, or any other obeject
Gently shake the gown so that it opens fully, and insert your left hand or
right hand into the sleeves do not allow your hand to extend through the
gown cuff in this way a closed glove technique can be used
Ask another person to tie your neck and waist ties.
When disposable gown is applied with assistance from another person,
care must be used to avoid contamination
Carefully open the inner packet containing your gloves and pick one glove
with your hand which is still in the gown cuff
Clothing Application for Aseptic
Isolation contd
Repeat steps 10 and 11 apply the other glove (U to W) once both gloves
have been completely applied. Hold them above waist level and avoid
touching gown or other subject
The two person method to apply sterile is shown in Y and Z. all garments in
and gloves are sterile at this time the glove is applied over gown cuff
Independent removal of
contaminated protective garments
Procedure 2-7 page 46
Untie waist tie and then carefully remove one glove by turning it inside out
with the opposite hand
Untie the neck with your ungloved hand, but avoid touching the back of
the gown and remove the gown using with your gloved hand.
Remove the remaining glove by grasping the inner surface of the glove at
the cuff or by inserting one or two fingers at the base of your palm after
discard the glove properly
Wash your hand as prescribe previously
Remove the mask and the cap as describe previously
Wash your hand as prescribed previously.
Disposal of instruments and clothing

Instruments and equipment used to treat patient should be cleaned or disposed

according to institutional or agency policies and procedures.
Contaminated disposable items should be carefully placed in a container,
labeled and discarded according to institutional or agency and policies and
Needles, scalpels, and other sharp instrument should made to recap, bend or
break the needle before it discarded.
The ear tips of a community or departmental stethoscope should be wipe with
alcohol before and after use.
It may necessary to clean the diaphragm with alcohol, If the cuff of a
sphygmomameter becomes contaminated, it should be disinfected.
Soiled linen should be handled as little as possible and minimal movement to prevent
contamination. It should be disposed of and transported in bag that leak proof.
Protective clothing contaminated with blood or other body fluid should be disposed of
transported bags.
Contaminated dressing bandages, materials, paper items and other disposable items
should be placed in nonporous container bag, labeled, and discarded according to
institutional agencies.
These precaution require greater emphasis when you are caring for patients whose
susceptibility to infection.
Protection of patient from pathogen is important, but it is particularly important for
patient who have a reduced capacity to resist or overcome infection.
Type of Disinfection

Intermediate-level disinfection
Destroy most viruses, most fungi, vegetative bacteria and tuberculosis bacteria
but it does not kill bacteria spores.
Low level disinfection
Destroy most bacteria, some viruses and some fungi, but it does not kill
tuberculosis bacterium and bacterial spores
Environmental disinfection practices
Are used to clean and disinfect surface that have become soiled and are
performed with any cleaner or disinfectant that is intended for environmental

Is used to destroy all form of microbial life, including high numbers of

bacterial spores
An item can be sterilized by being subjected to steam under pressure
This last method should be used only for instrument or equipment that
cannot be sterilize with heat such needles and scalpel blades

High level disinfection destroy all form of microbial life except the high
numbers of bacterial spores. Hot water pasteurization at 80* C to 100* C for
30 minutes or exposure to chemical in which EPA sterilant chemical

Several methods can be used to clean or decontaminate equipment or

surface area
To remove, inactivates or destroy blood borne pathogens on surface or
item to the point where they are no longer capable of transmitting
infectious particles
Hands and other skin surface should be washed immediately and
thoroughly after they have been contaminated by blood, wound drainage
or other body fluids to which standard precaution apply

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