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Scorpions are most commonly thought to live in the

desert by they do occur in other habitats like
grasslands and savannahs and strangely they have been
found under snow covered rocks 12,00 feet high.

Snow Covered grasslands
The scorpion body
The abdomen contains of 12 distinct segments (Parts)
There are five parts witch most people call the tall at
the end of the abdomen is the nelson at the end of the
nelson is sharp and curved point that contains venom.
More Body parts
The scorpions body is divided into two mane regions
the cephalothoraxes and the abdomen the
cephalothoraxes is shield that contains a pair of eyes
Fun fact a few scorpions are eyless.
Types of scorpions
On kind of scorpion is the Hairy dessert Scorpion. This Scorpion
Is found in
Arizona it`s size
Is two times
Bigger the bark scorpion
So the size of the dessert
Scorpion is five inches
Long. There natural
Habitat is sandy rocky areas.
Another kind of scorpion is the strip tallied Scorpion
It is also found in Arizona they`re pray to most scorpions
They can grow up to 2 inches long and are mostly found
Under ground. It`s main weapon is it`s digging skills.
The bark scorpion
The bark is the most dangerous in the world. It is
found in California ,Arizona, ,Nevada, southern Utah ,
Mexico and finally New Mexico. Bark Scorpions are
most commonly found under rocks logs tree bark and
other easy to get in places. The bark scorpion grows up
to 4 inches. The Bark scorpion`s nick name is The
house scorpion. Their venom is the worst kind it will
cause sever pain or hospitalization.
The venom of the scorpion
The venom is a unique mixture of toxins that affects
the victims nervous system despite there bad
reputation only one in western U.S. and 25 or more
have the potential to be dangerous to humans
Fun fact: all scorpions glow in UV light
There are other creatures
There are other scorpion like scorpion creatures like
the pseudo and the vinegroon



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