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1.- Measure the time.

Getting up early will help you avoid hours

of traffic, which can be a major stressor.

2.- Make a check list of the tasks of the day. Quickly analyze the
tasks to be done during the day so you are prepared with
everything you need. Arriving at a business meeting or meeting
without everything you need creates a lot of stress when you
realize that you are not prepared.

3.- Establish priorities. If you do not give priority to what is

really important, you can be distracted by tasks that you might
have left for another time. At the end of the day when you
realize that you did enough things, but that were not all
important, you will stress.
4. Take time to think. Take the necessary time in each of the tasks you
do not to make mistakes, otherwise at the time of correcting them you
will begin to avoid efficiency at work.

5. Rest at least every two hours. Take at least five minutes every two
hours, either in the kitchenette or in some room in the office to
distract you. This will increase your ability to concentrate.

6.- Organize your place of work. Knowing where exactly your

documents are and having a work area free of piles of papers avoids

7.- Avoid distractions. Uses working time in labor issues. This will help
you deliver all your earrings in time and form. Avoiding running with
delivery dates will give you peace of mind.
I am forced to eat healthy
I'm forced to exercise
I am obliged to love my body and keep it
I am obliged to be clean and tidy
I am obligated not to use drugs and alcohol
I'm forced to have a good time
I am obliged to hydrate myself and keep my
mind and body healthy.
We are obligated to give love to our family
I am obliged to support those around me
I am obliged to contribute financially in my
I am obliged to teach what I learn
I am obliged to respect and tolerate others.
I am obliged to be a good person in society.
I am obliged to love my neighbor.

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