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The sense is the ability to perceive internal and external stimuli through the

use of specific organs. Each sense is formed by a group of specialized cells

that detect "sensations", that is through receptors, which react to specific
stimuli to which the nervous system responds and interprets the brain.

It is generally considered that humans have five senses which are: hearing,
sight, smell, touch and taste
Without the information we receive through our five senses we could not
function as the beings we are. Each sense is important in its own right, but
each has limitations. On the other hand, one sense can be used to
compensate for another. The most effective way to receive information, of
course, is to use all our senses in harmony. Another important aspect of
learning about our senses is to become aware of physical handicaps that may
cause difficulty for people who do not have access to these senses, though
this does not make people different or lesser. These marvelous gifts of
sensing the world we live in must be protected and cared for.

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