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CEBU- Steamer
which brought
Rizal to Dapitan
That Rizal publically retract his errors concerning religion and
make statements that were clearly pro-Spanish against

That he perform the church rites and make a general

confessions of his past life.

That henceforth he conduct himself in an exemplary manner

as a Spanish Subject and a man of religion.
BUTUAN- mail boat which brought
the news about Rizals winning in
the lottery
P20,000 lottery prize
P6,200 of it was given to
P2,000 of his share he gave
to his father
P200 to Basa in Hong Kong
The rest he invested thru
purchasing agricultural
lands fron the coast of
Talisay about kilometer
away from Dapitan
Rizals Encounter with the Friars Spy
Florencio Namanan/Pablo Mercado- 30yrs
old who washired by the Recollect friars to
spy on Rizals activities
visited Rizal at his house and pretended to
be a relative by showing a photo of Rizal
and a pair of buttons with the initials P.M.
as evidence of kinship.
Secret mission of Pablo Mercado was not an
assassination attempt but espionage only.
Idyllic Life in Dapitan
Rizal built a house by the seashore of
Talisay surrounded by fruit trees, a
school for boys, and a hospital for his
Among his family members who visited
Rizal were:
1. His mother
2. Sisters Trinidad, Maria, Narcisa
3. 3. Nephews Teodosio, Estanislao,
Mauricio and Prudencio
As Physician in Dapitan
Dona Teodora and Maria lived with Rizal for
a year and a half. It is here when Rizal
operated his mothers right eye. Though the
operation was successful, his mother had a
wound infection after ignoring Rizals
instruction of not removing the bandages.
However, the infection was immediately
Rizal prescribed medicinal plants to his poor
Community Projects for Dapitan
Rizal had:
1. Drained the marshes to get rid of malaria that was infesting Dapitan
2. Equipped the town with lightning system using P500 one of his patients
paid him. The lighting system consisted of coconut oil lamps.
3. Beautified the town of Dapitan by remodeling the town plaza and making a
huge relief map of Mindanao out of earth, stones and grass.
Rizal as Teacher

Rizal established in Dapitan a school. It began with 3 pupils who

increased to 16 and eventually 21.
16 of his pupils did not pay tuition. Instead of charging them fees,
Rizal made the work in his gardens and construction projects.
Contributions to Science
Rizal sent specimens he found to
the museum of Europe especially
the Dresden Museum. In turn, he
received scientific books and
surgical instruments.
Linguistic Studies
Continuing his study of languages,
Rizal learned in Dapitan:
1. Bisayan
2. Subanum
3. Malay languages
He knew by that time 22 languages as follows:
Tagalog, Malay, Ilokano, Hebrew, Bisayan, Sanskrit, Subanum,
Dutch, Spanish, Catalan Latin, Italian Greek, Chinese, English,
Japanese, French, Portuguese, German, Swedish, Arabic,
Rizal as Farmer
Rizal acquired total land holdings of 70 hectares
where 6,000 hem plants, 1,000 coconut trees and
numerous fruit trees, sugarcane, corn, coffee and
cacao were planted.
He planned to establish an agricultural colony in
Sitio Ponot because it was ideal for raising cacao,
coffee, coconuts and cattle. However, this did not
materialize due to lack of support from the
Rizal as Businessman

Ramon Carreon- Rizals business partner in

Dapitan Rizal made profitable businesss
ventures in fishing, copra and hemp

Hemp industry- Rizals most profitable


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