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Amor a primera vista

Questions to start thinking

Where and when do you think the film is

What emotions are the man and woman
feeling at this moment?
What do you think is going to happen next
in the film?
Write a short narrative in pairs with your ideas.
(5-10 lines)

Follow up activity:
You are an advertising executive who has just seen this film and

really liked it. Youd like to contract the film director to make a 1-

minute advertisement based on the concept of the film. You

have to decide what to keep in the film and what to cut out.

You also have to decide what product or service the

advertisement will be for.

A thousand Kisses Deep
Dont matter if the road is long
Dont matter if its steep
Dont matter if the page is gone
Its written that well meet.
I loved you when you opened
Like a lily to the heat
And I love you when it closes
A thousand kisses deep
I know you had to lie to me
I know you had to cheat
You learned it on your fathers knee
And at your mothers feet.
But did you have to fight your way
Across the burning street
Where all our vital interests lay
A thousand kisses deep
Leonard Cohen

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