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“Aprophet isnot without honor except in his native place and in his own house.’ — Matthew 13:57 | love being home. There, | can be my truest self. | don't need to dress up. | can be in my favorite cotton shirt filled with holes. At home, | can bare everything, including my flaws and weaknesses, and still be loved unconditionally. But because our home has known us with all our flaws, our family might also find it hard to believe in us. So while we find our greatest acceptance at home, sometimes we can also find our greatest rejection in it. Jesus experienced the same thing. People from His hometown couldn't believe that the carpenter's little son ‘they used to know had grown to be a man of wisdom. Sadly, they weren't able to experience mighty deeds from Jesus because of this. It's not that Jesus didn't want to do miracles. He could have but they just failed to recognize them because of their unbelief. How about you? Do you believe in the people in your home? Many of us take for granted the spouse child, parent or friend God has given us. Who knows? Greatness might be in your midst. Start seeing beyond their laws. Believe in them. Make your home a little less unwelcoming. And you will begin to receive the miracles your family needs. Velden Lim ( Reflection:In your home, who needs to hear the words, I believe in you"? Jesus, give me the grace to believe in others the way You believe in me.

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