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Listening Section

Part 1
( Answering questions from dialogues)

- Informasi Tertentu
- Gambaran Umum
- Informasi Rinci
- Informasi Tersirat
Part II
(Completing dialogues)

- Harapan dan doa bersayap(extended)

- Menunjukkan perhatian
- Meminta perhatian bersayap (extended)
Part III
(Matching: Monologues and Pictures)

- Teks deskriptif (tempat wisata)

Teks deskriptif (orang)
Teks factual report (gejala dan peristiwa alam)
Teks factual report (benda peninggalan sejarah)
Part IV
(Answering Questions from Monologues)

Teks news item

informasi rinci

Teks biografi tentang tokoh terkenal

Informasi tertentu
Informasi rinci
Informasi Tertentu

Man : Wow, a new electric dictionary. By the way, are you free on
Woman: Im not. Ill accompany my family to Sukabumi to see my fathers
friends boarding school.. Why?
Man : Ill ask for your help to revise my essay.
Woman: OK. Just e-mail me your essay. Ill do it when Im back.

What will the woman do after seeing her fathers friends boarding school?
A.Planning a tour
B.Writing an essay
C.Revising an essay
C.Helping her friend
D.Meeting her friend
Gambaran Umum

Man : Nancy, I heard that you have applied for a job.

Woman : Thats right I had an interview test yesterday
Man : How is the result? Are you accepted?
Woman : Yes, Im.
Man : Congratulations, Nancy.
Woman : Thank you,

What is the topic of the conversation?

A. Looking for a job.
B. Receiving a result.
C. Getting a new job.
D. Having an interview.
E. Having a new employee.
Informasi Rinci

Woman: You look serious.

Man : Todays November 7.
Woman: I know its our sons birthday.
Man : What about ordering a birthday cake?
Woman: Im thinking the same thing. Ill call them right now.

Why will the woman make a phone call?

A. To call her son
B. To order a cake
C. To congratulate her son
D. To express happy birthday
E. To communicate with her son
Informasi Tersirat

Woman: What is your view on odd-even traffic regulation?

Man : Odd-even. What do you mean?
Woman: For example, a person whose car has an odd number in the last
digit on the number plate is only allowed to drive on an odd date.
Man : So an even number rides on an even date?
Woman: Exactly.
Man : Im with the regulation. It can reduce traffic jam.

How does the man react to the regulation?

A. Caring
B. Curious
C. Indifferent
D. Supportive
E. Disobedient
Part II
(Completing a dialogue)

- Ungkapan harapan dan doa bersayap (extended), serta responnya

- Ungkapan menunjukkan perhatian (care)
- Ungkapan meminta perhatian bersayap (extended) dan responnya.
Woman: Come on! Have a break.
Man : Ill have a standardized test next week.
Woman: What test
Woman: What is it for?
Man : A requirement for a scholarship
Woman :

What is the best response to the mans statement?

A.Its difficult.
B. Its awesome
C.That will be great.
D.I hope youll succeed.
Part III

(Matching pictures and monologues)

Teks deskriptif tentang tempat wisata

Teks deskriptif tentang orang
Teks factual report tentang gejala dan peristiwa alam
teks factual report tentang benda peninggalan sejarah
These ethnic groups are derived from traditionalist Christian church
fellowships with Swiss Anabaptist origins. They are closely related to, but
distinct from, Mennonite churches. The Amish are known for simple living,
plain dress, and reluctance to adopt many
conveniences of modern technology. The history of the Amish church
began with a schism in Switzerland within a group of Swiss and Alsatian
Anabaptists in 1693 led by Jakob Ammann.]Those who followed Ammann
became known as Amish.

Part IV
(Answering Questions from Monologues)

1. Teks news item berbentuk berita sederhana dari radio.
2. Teks biografi pendek dan sederhana tentang tokoh terkenal

1. Informasi Tertentu
2. Informasi Rinci
3. Topik
Only one day after visiting China, which has sparked a territorial dispute in the
South China Sea, President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has iterated the importance
of maritime cooperation between ASEAN countries to maintain peace and
stability in the region.
During a retreat meeting on the sidelines of the 29th ASEAN Summit in
Vientiane, Laos, on Wednesday, Jokowi stressed that ASEAN should
immediately implement a maritime cooperation agreement that had been
signed at the 2015 East Asia Summit (EAS).
"The maritime cooperation should also seriously resolve conflicts at sea, such
as illegal fishing, territorial disputes, kidnappings and piracy. Dont let criminal
acts at sea become a new norm. I urge that we improve maritime security
cooperation," he said.
What year was the cooperation agreement assigned?

A. 2012
B. 2013
C. 2014
D. 2015
E. 2016
What is the topic of the news?

A. The importance of maritime collaboration in Asean countries.

B. The maintenance of peace and stability in the World
C. The success of East Asia Summit
D. The solution of fishing industry
E. The necessity of private fishing
Andik Vermansah was born in Jember, East Java, to Saman, a coolie, and Jumiah,
a tailor, both indigenous Javanese. Vermansah spent his childhood selling ice as a
means of earning money for his family. His parents, earning barely enough money
for living expenditures, had little fund to help Vermansah realize his dream as a
footballer. At first Vermansah was not allowed to pursue his footballing career due
to his family's economic condition. However, a strongly motivated Vermansah did
not gave up on his dream of becoming a professional footballer. He did
everything he could to pursue his dream by all means and to fund his burgeoning
career he had to sell cake and ice, even playing football for inter-village
tournament, just to be able to buy a pair of football shoes. Vermansah received
his big break when the coach of SSB Suryanaga, Rudi, discovered his talents. Rudi
offered Vermansah to play at a football academy in Jember, free of charge.

How did Vermansyah get his big break?

A. He met a coach.
B. He registered to a university
C. He met a professional footballer.
D. He played football for inter-village tournament.
E. He sold cake and ice at inter-village tournament.
Reading Section

1. Announcement (pemberitahuan)
2. Letter (Personal Letter)
3. Teks Biografi (tokoh terkenal)
4. Teks Prosedur Berbentuk Manual dan Kiat-Kiat (tips)
5. Teks Deskriptif (Tempat Wisata)
6. News item
7. Teks Naratif (Legenda)
8. Teks Recount ( pengalaman /kegiatan/ kejadian/peristiwa)
9. Teks eksposisi analitis
10.Teks ilmiah faktual (factual report) lisan dan tulis tentang orang, binatang, benda, gejala
dan peristiwa alam dan sosial, terkait dengan mata pelajaran lain di Kelas XII
Reading Questions:
1. Topik/Gambaran Umum
2. informasi Rinci
3. informasi Tersirat
4. Makna Kata/Frase
5. Perincian Peristiwa
6. Pikiran Utama
7. Pesan Moral
8. Kata Penghubung (Menggabungkan Dua Klausa atau Gagasan)
9. Kesimpulan dari Bacaan.
10.Perincian Argumen
In connection with School Literacy Movement, the school will conduct the R-W-P
Contest. If you are interested, learn the following requirement and schedule:


Holding the school library card

Having read a number of books borrowed from the school library
Making synopsis of the books that have been read
Making an oral presentation of the selected book that has been read.

The R-W-P contest lasts from October 30 to November 30, 2016.
Registration is from October 30 to November 2 , 2016 (Registration form is
available on the school library.
The last day of submitting the synopsis is on 25 November , 2016
Oral presentation as well as the announcement of the winner is on 30
November , 2016
The winners will be awarded prizes and certificate

Any questions are addressed to Satria (08158030834).

Topik/Gambaran Umum

What is the topic of the text?

A. Activities during a contest

B. Promoting the school library
C. Requirement and schedule of a contest
D. Prizes that will be awarded to the winners
E. A contest that is related to literacy development
As stated in the text, what reason is the contest held?

A. To familiarize school library

B. To empower school librarian
C. To establish students reading habit
D. To boost literacy program in the school
E. To make use of books in the school library

24th Clinton St. Iowa City. IA. 58076
January 15th, 2016

To all Colleagues and Friends,

As those close to me know, I am not good with goodbyes so I do
apologize to those who feel offended that I have left having written
only this farewell letter, without personally shaking their hand and
exchanging best wishes.

I have so many people to thank for their support and dedication that
it is impossible to personally get to see you all with the short time
that was available.

I truly am humbled to have worked with such a group of "get in and

get it happening people" and I am so proud of the achievements
that you have accomplished both in the operation and (for quite a
lot of you) for your own personal accomplishments.

To those of you that I had the opportunity to coach and or set goals
for, I commend each of you for your achievements and hope that you
continue to succeed through life journeys.

Thanks, regards and best wishes,

Bill Jones
We can conclude that the writer in the office

A. has trained the employees

B. has collaborated intensively
C. has conducted a farewell party
D. has supported innovative efforts
E. has shaken hands to all his colleagues
Alex Ferguson is a former football player who served as the manager of the Manchester United
Football Club for over 26 years. Regarded as the most successful manager in the history of the
game, he is also the one who served for the longest period.
He began his career as a player with Queens Park but could not secure a regular place. He
moved on to play for St. Johnstone and then later on to Dunfermline. Such was his love for the
game that he could not keep away from the football field even after his playing career was over.
He entered a new phase in his career accepting a managerial position with the East
Stirlingshire. He acquired the reputation of a strict manager who expected nothing but the best
out of his players. Over the years he went on to serve as the manager for St.Mirren and
Aberdeen, and brought about an almost miraculous transformation in the performance of the
An excellent manager with a glowing reputation, he was signed by Manchester United to
reverse the teams dismal performances. He held the position for many years helping the team
win prestigious titles and in the process became Manchester Uniteds most successful manager
He acquired the reputation of a strict as the manager (Paragraph 3)
What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?

A. Requested
B. Promoted
C. Struggled
D. Searched
E. Received
Once upon a time, there was a little boy, who was poor, dirty, and smelly,
came into a little village. He was very hungry and weak. He knocked at every
door and asked for some food, but nobody cared about him. Nobody wanted
to help the little boy. Finally, a generous old woman helped him. She gave
him shelter and a meal. When the boy wanted to leave, the old woman gave
him a lesung, a big wooden mortar for pounding rice.
She reminded him, Please remember, if there is a flood you must save
yourself. Use this lesung as a boat.
The little boy was happy and thanked the old woman. The little boy
continued his journey. While he was passing through the village, where he
had asked for food, he saw many people gathering on the field. The boy
came closer and saw a stick stuck in the ground. People challenged each
other to pull out that stick. Everybody tried, but nobody succeeded.
Can I try? asked the little boy.
The crowd laughed mockingly. The boy wanted to try his luck;
consequently, he stepped forward and pulled out the stick. He could do it
very easily. Everybody was dumbfounded. Suddenly, from the hole left by
stick, water spouted out. It did not stop until it flooded the village. And no
one was saved from the water except the little boy and the generous old
woman who gave him shelter and meal. As she told him, he used the
lesung as a boat and picked up the old woman. The whole village became a
huge lake.
It is now known as Rawa Pening Lake in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia.
What happened to the boy before he was able to pull out a stick?

A. He mocked villagers
B. He was travelling down a hill.
C. He was sailing on a lesung.
D. He was given a shelter, meat and lesung
E. He was shown by an old woman to go to a village nearby.
What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. A hungry and weak boy.

B. Nobody cared about the poor boy.
C. A big wooden mortar for pounding rice.
D. The generous old woman who lived in a village.
E. The generous old woman who helped the poor boy.
What can we learn from the story?

A. Honesty makes happy.

B. We should be humble.
C. We should work together.
D. Kindness makes happiness.
E. Patience leads to success.
Ability to speak in public is an asset and it comes with several
benefits. It can not only boost some aspects of your personal life,
but your professional life as well.
Public speaking can contribute to the growth of knowledge. It
helps you share whatever valuable ideas and thoughts you might
have, with a larger group of people. In return, you also learn a lot
when those people challenge your ideas and question your
opinions. It allows you to develop a clearer picture of the subject.
Public speaking helps you develop the ability to persuade. When
you speak confidently and convincingly to a large group of people,
persuading an individual to carry out a task becomes much easier.
Besides persuasion attempt and knowledge growth, public
speaking can improve your critical thinking abilities. When you sit
and prepare a speech for a seminar or a workshop, you
automatically tend to focus on the quality of your work. You will be
forced to do a lot of research in order to get the content right. It
will help you develop better ways to deliver your content and
design it with relevance.
Your personal life also gains a lot from public speaking. The
confidence you develop from public speaking can support you with
building more personal relationships. It becomes much easier to
socialize and make new friends.
So, public speaking skills enhance your professional and
Regarding the positive effects of public speaking in professional life, what
argument is given by the writer?

A. People who speak in front of the public is knowledgeable.

B. Knowledge, persuasion skill, and critical thinking can be improved.
C. The chance to get knowledge, persuasion skill, and critical thinking is
D. We can use knowledge, persuasion skill, and critical thinking
E. The contribution of knowledge for improving persuasion skill and critical
thinking is apparent.

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