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S . S .A.

Shivamogga Sustainability Action Plan
Problem Brief

Manage Sustainable
Action Plan
Complexities Transformations

Infrastructure, Transformation
and Retrofitting Strategy
Means or
Less planning Non-Reductionist
but more
Ends (Goals) ? Decipher Relationships
What should be Means
1st Key Structuring Element Visions

If We Can Imagine,

We Will Be Able To Manage.

(Ache, 2016
2nd Key Structuring Element Image

Not only Plans but Legibility and Imageabaility

S.S.A.P - Shivamogga Sustainability Action Plan, 5 Pillars

2. Landscape 1. People
5. Waste 4. Transport and 3. Water & Greens
Management Energy
Mix Public Transport Experience Integration People &
Challenges- Retrofitting Rejuvenation Networking Physical
2031 Routes Revitalization Accessibility form

Low carbon Economic Driver Sociability Activities

emissions Culture

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