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Is a critical concept in the

Quality control concepts

industry and profession. As
Costumer based: Quality
globalization continues and the
meet customer
world become smaller.
We think of a quiality product Statistical based; the less
as one that last and doesnt variation you have, the
require constant repair. higher the quality of your
service .
This focuses on the ability
of a process to produce or
deliver a quiality product
or service.
Attempts to head off
problems at the pass by
tweaking a production
process until it can
produce quality
A good measuring system
hepls where youve ben and
where you are going.
Costumers tipically require
that you measure certain or
service against their
You also need to collect data
in a usable format so that you
can analyze it to determine
the effectiveness of your
quality process.
Value Stream Mapping
The common way to
analyze the data is to People thing in images, not in
use statistics. words.
Helps to determine Value Stream Mapping
which processes are Visually describes a
causing problems production process in
Statistical Process orden to heps workers
Control allows to locate waste.
identify problem
Lean approach is to minimize the amount of
Dont want to eliminate so thoroughly that you
cause shortages.
Kanban is a materials system controlled by the

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