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Design and Functions

Complex Design and Highly coded

information = Complex Functions
Supercomputers: Taihu Light, China is first for the
second year in a row. Can calculate of 93 quadrillion
problems per second. Thats nearly three times the
speed of Tianhe-2, which is second.

Image accessed from

How many problems you can
work in a second?
How many problems your old
grand father can work in a
Accessed fr
National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi,
Attribute the origin of design in
such a machine to an intelligent
designer and coder
How the design was possible?

Careful planning and intent

Never the machine and tools aligned

By natural processes?

No one would suppose that something as

complex and sophisticated as a computer
happened together by chance
Life forms on Earth.

Life on earth is far more complex than

computer equipment.
Inherent design in the life forms on earth
and the coded information is attributed to
a designer of vastly superior intelligence
and ability than man.
Life forms on Earth

Image accessed from

Existence of a designer/Coder
Everything in Nature has a design

Design demonstrates the existence of a

Coded information demonstrates the
existence of a coder.
Creator is not the creation

Creator is not the creation, but that a creator

exists outside his creation.
The evidence in the world around us, by itself,
is reason for us to deduce the existence of a
Creator, who exists outside of his creation.
(See Rom 1:19-20, Heb 1:3)
Rom 1:19 For what can be known about God is plain to
them, because God has shown it to them.

Rom 1:20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his

eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly
perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the
things that have been made. So they are without

Heb 1:3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the

exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe
by the word of his power. After making purification for
sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on
Getting the Answer
Two ways to find how the computer equipment was designed

1. Examine the piece of equipment, taking it apart,

measuring it, etc.,

2.Find the designer and either talk to him or consult the

blueprints and other documentation associated with the

Most authoritative information is to consult the designer and

his documentation.
Design demonstrates the existence
of Creator
From the principle that the design in life forms
today demonstrate the existence of their creator

Has the creator revealed specific information

regarding His design?

If so then how to find that specific information?

Written testimony of Creator

(Paraphrased): "I am the only God who ever existed

or ever will. There is no other god besides me."
(see Isa 43:10);
"I created the universe by myself. There was no one
else with me when I did it." (see Isa 44:24);
"God created the heavens and the earth in six days";
"God created each animal after its own kind."
"God created the first man Adam from the dust of
the ground, and the first woman Eve from the first
man's rib" (see Gen 1-2).
Validation of Testimony
Did the piece of spoken or written testimony really did
come from the creator?
As Creator, God has validated his testimony by
causing things to happen in his creation which are
specifically intended for us to take note of his
existence and his specific revelation to us.
We call these phenomena "miraculous" because they
are supernatural phenomena.
Examples of God's supernatural
intervention are such as:
Parting the Red Sea,
Allowing a virgin to conceive,
Saying that he will flood the whole earth, then doing it;
Predicting events in the future with 100% accuracy;
Incarnating himself as a man,
Allowing his body to be killed and buried, then raising
himself up from the dead after three days.
Multiple witnesses have seen these things happen and heard
the Creator speak and have written them down as reliable
testimony which we can now refer back to.
Such events are not considered natural phenomena, and so
by definition fall outside the realm of scientific inquiry

Rely largely on indirect

Scientist information about what people
have observed

Cite a minority of the
Scientist information from personal
Life on earth came about by a special creative act of
A whole set of life forms, including man, was created
at once.
This happened on the order of several thousand
years ago, and` the process took less than a week.
We don't fully understand all the "hows" and the
"whys" in every detail, but we pursue further
knowledge given those details that we are sure of,
accepting the authority of what the Creator has to
say over the more limited information we obtain
by examining His creation.
The Creator is more knowledgeable, and none of us
was here to observe life come about on earth.
Hopefully this not only provides a defense for
"creation," but also explains why "creationists"
are always appealing to the Creator (God) and
testimony that comes from Him (the Bible).
Because if you really want to know about how
something was designed, it's best to first consult
the person who designed it.

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