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Functions with Input/Ouput

Due Lab 2

Reading Chapter 4 4.1-4.4

Functions with Arguments
Subproblems may require input and/or
generate output


return_type name(type name, type name)

Input Argument Only
print_total_cost(total); //function call

//function definition
void print_total_cost(double total_amt)
printf("The total for your purchase is %5.2lf\n", total_amt);

copy the value from total to a new variable called total_amt

total_amt is only valid for the life of print_total_cost
Output Result Only
cost = get_cost(); //function call

double get_cost() //function definition

double itemcost;
printf("Enter cost of item: ");
scanf("%lf", &itemcost);
return itemcost; //return statement

value of function call is the returned value

if return type must have return statement
itemcost is a variable local to the get_cost function
Input and Output
total = get_taxed_amt(cost);

double get_taxed_amt(double cost)

double tax;
double total;
tax = cost * TAX_RATE;
total = cost + tax;
return total;

two different cost variables

Multiple Arguments
total = get_taxed_amt(cost, .05);

double get_taxed_amt(double cost, double tax_rate)

double tax;
double total;
tax = cost * tax_rate;
total = cost + tax;
return total;

argument in function call may be variable name OR value

Execution of Functions

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